Question and Answer!^^

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This are all the questions that I've picked hope It's a suitable answer! Now without further a dew, Let's Begin! (^w^)

Okay, so.. uh.. The First question is from, @iloveanime

Q1.) What made you write this story?
A1.) Hmm, that's a good question. Honestly I've been reading a lot of fanfics of my favourite ships like; "Ereri, Billdip, Dipsifica(reverse falls thought), Treebros, Marichat, Bnhaxreader, Minecraftxreader, Amuto, Klance, Kagehina,  Yoonmin, Taekook, Dreamnotfound, Skephalo,  and etc." I don't know how much I've read, but the fanfic stories of "xreaders" that I've read, went and turned to "Xmalereaders" I got curious and read and... uh.. Let's just say, Quite a few~ *sweatdropped* So basically I wanted to try it too so, yeah. That's what made me write this fanfic that I still can't believe it got 100k+reads.

Second is from, @StaryFreckles. I only picked one from your questions, because I honestly can't answer the other ones (sorry)

Q2.) Do you like ice cream slushie thing with m&ms on top!?!?
A2.) You meant smoothy right? I hope that's what you meant, if that's it then yeah I like smoothies, thought I don't like m&m toppings, because I'm honestly not found of chocolates, I only eat them when I'm at my periods (QwQ)

Okay, so this person had two question for me and I can answer them both so here we go! The Third and Fourth question are both from, @ZukiZaruhi
Q3.) Yo, what's is your fav anime?
A3.) My favourite so far is 'Haikyuu', thought I also like 'Attack on Titan' because of their art, But I don't know if it will change for more future animes to come.

Q4.) Favourite OHSHC character?
A4.) Only one so..... I'll go with Hikaru.

The Fifth Question are the same so I just put both of them to one question, they are from, @6XxRgamerxX9 and @X_GhostCakes_X

Q5.) What is your favourite food??
A5.) My favourite food? Hmm.. If I had to choose between Spagettie and Pizza, I would DEFFINITELY go for Pizza~ Because I can finish 2 whole pizza's and I could still go if there's more! XD

Sixth Question is from, @Chozumi

Q6.) What inspires you to write?
A6.) What inspires me? I.. I'm a little embarassed because of my already answer to this one, but I guess I have no choice, haha^^;; Every comments that are put in every chapter of this story honestly bust my serotonine.. It might sound a little cheezy, but they really inspire and busts my confidence to write, even if some are a little pushy and a little mean, it still gives me busts to try and try to write as nice and as much as I can, to improve my writing style even more. :)

Seveth Question is from, @psychochick77

Q7.) Favorite song?
A7.) Kokoronashi!!! I'm just really drawn to it even if it has sad lyrics I still like it!(^^)

For the Eighth Question two people- wait actually one person also asked a similar question so I'll add them here with the other two that asked me something that made me grin stupidly for a sec when I read it XD The Questions are from, @OiFeLiXcMeReBrOoOo_, @SugaLover_4Ever and @Btskookie0222

Q8.) Do you listen to K-pop? If so which group do you Stan?
A8.) Yep! I listen to them! Actually I just became an ARMY 2 years ago, so Yes I stan BTS!

The nineth question is from, @Wolfy_Da_Derp

Q9.) Hmmmm, do you have a certain sexuality? You don't jave to Answer if it's a touchy subject.
A9.) If I'm being honest I thought I was Bi, but I found out later that I was actually Pansexual. (The reason are personal so I hope y'all understand)

The Tenth one is from, @ENDYenderman

Q10.) What is your favourite ramen flavor?
A10.) My favourite Ramen Flavor is Beef!

This Eleventh question is from, @Fabuloustrainwreck. I cut a few off because some already asked those questions, hope that's fine.

Q11.) What's your favourite Drink and activity?
A11.) My favourite drink? Probably Iced coffee with a nice amount of whipped cream~ My favorite activities are biking and swimming!

Okay! So Twelveth question is from, @Asechel

Q12.) Do you like hypnosis mic? If so, who is your favourite
A12.) I'm sorry, but no. Maybe because I actually don't know them ^^;;;


Okay so these are for (M/N)-kun to answer, But I'll help him out if he get's too flustered, haha.

(M/N): W-What? Why would I get flustered for?

You'll see~ *insert Lenny face*


Aiko: This question I find it funny. *chuckles*
(M/N): Huh? Why??

Question 13 is from, @SweetAmaiChaos

Q13.) M/N  a r e  y o u  a  t o p?
A13.) (M/N): *Face turns cherry red in an instant* I-I-I-- W-Well, uh.. I-I guess I am..?
Aiko: Don't listen to him guys, he's lying. He's actually a switch. *Winks and smirks*
(M/N): *hides in hands face still red* I hope the next one's not like this one..
Aiko: Hmm... let's see if it is!^^

Question 14 is from, @HegelMayCobrado9

Q14.) Are all guys in the ohshc interested in (M/N) or is it just (censored), (censored) and (censored)?
A14.) (M/N): Wait what? Who's intereseted in me???
Aiko: It's not for you to find out so don't worry. We'll skip that one *burns evidence, for plot*
(M/N): What, Why??? W-Who's interested in me?? *blushes a little*
Aiko: Just don't be too dense and you'll know. *poker face* Okay! Off to the last question!!
(M/N): But we didn't even answer this one ye--
Aiko: LET's gO!!

Final Question is from, @thefearofDeathxX

Q15.) How are you doing this fine day/evening/night?
(M/N): *looks at me*
Aiko: *looks back*
Both Answers to the final Question: We're doing fine! I hope everyone else is too!^^

Alright! That's all for the Question and Answers! I hope to see you guys on the next update! Have a wonderful day everyone! Always stay safe~! mua~!!! 💋


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