60.1|Side chapter!| Top male (Y/N)x(M/N) (Part 1)

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Hey guys! Finally I can publish the (M/N)x(Y/N) side chapter and get all your reactions!! Remember this is an AU type of Side chapter so please do not hate on the people I use as supporting characters for the love stories of (M/N)x(Y/N), alright? Alrighty then! I'll allow you all to dive into the AU! >:]

~ Coffee Shop Owner x Co-worker Setting ~

| (Y/N)'s POV

I quietly sipped my coffee while constantly stealing glances at the cute barista, typing away on my phone before stopping again to glance back up to him once more. Surprisingly, our eyes met and stayed locked for a few seconds before his eyes went back to look at the next customer. I quickly hid my face from embarrassment as well as from happiness, feeling a goofy smile form on my lips as the butterflies in my stomach do flips.

Why is he so hot yet also soo cute?! I screamed in my head, fanboying for the bartender.

My name is (Y/N) (L/N), (age) and is currently a (Collage Student/Unemployed Employee). I won't say that I don't have a job just yet, but that's not important right now... What's important to me right now is...

I looked towards his direction again, swooning at his charming smile even though it wasn't directly towards me.

..That's right, you guessed it! To get that Bartender's NUMBER!!!

After he was done taking the order, I saw him cover a yawn, he actually looked like a little kitten.

Fuck, I wanna date him so bad!!! I screamed out through my (E/C) eyes burning holes through him, feeling my face heat up as I already start to imagine the possibility if the two of us became an actual couple.


"(Y/N)! Say ah~!" He said as he scooped a spoonful of ice cream, smiling my way.

"(Y/N).. can I have a peck..?" He shyly asked.

"(Y/N)! I told you to not go so far! What if you drown there!?" He scolded, puffing his cheeks.

"(Y/N), have you eaten yet? I'll cook something up for you if not," He said with a smile, already ready to wear his adorable pink apron.

"(Y/N)! How'd you even get this?! You idiot! I told you to be careful!" He said in a angry voice, but was really gentle as he cleaned my wounds.

"(Y/N)! I told you not to eat all the sweets! That rest was mine!" He angrily yelled, punching my side, but not really that hard.

"(Y/N).. D-Do you like me too?" He nervously asked as his cheeks were flushed in a rosey red.

"(Y/N), I really love you.. So.. Can we just get married? " He looked into my eyes lovingly, leaning in to kiss me.


"Hehehe.. yes honey.. that sounds nice~ hehehe..."

"Um.. you like some --ney----- your co-- fee..??"

I quickly snapped back to reality when I heard the cute barista's voice spoke to me.

"H-Huh?" I asked looking up at him. Quickly wiping the drool off on the side of my lips.

"Here's your second order, (Y/N)-san," He said, gesturing on my second order of coffee.

Him saying my name sound so nice~ I thought to myself.

"Oh, yes just put it there my friend's just running late." I lied with a polite smile. I actually just ordered another coffee for myself to have an excuse to stay here a little bit longer.

SÄDÏSTÏC TŸPË [ OHSHC x MALE! READER! ] (OHSHC Fanfic) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now