21| Distracting Dance

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Yes, You see that art right. It is infact Mori holding (M/N) to dance and distract him as the title says. (M/N)'s Clothes are inspired by the movie I just recently watched again JOKER. Sorry for the late update, but I hope to see you guys again!^^

I went back inside, following from behind me was Tamaki with visible three bumbs on his head, The twins laughed but I just rolled my eyes and went to Haruhi as she sweat dropped at me. I relaxed a bit and looked towards the crying Tamaki as he amazingly grows mashrooms by using his woe.

I looked at everyone they looked like they were waiting for their king to rise up, but to their fortune he didn't and just woe in sadness. I waited till they go back to their usual selves, but to my surprised they just stayed quiet.

I glanced around the room and saw The twins looking at me with what surpsingly looked like 'looks of curiosity'. I turned my head to the opposite direction, which is the window and tried to ignore them, but they just kept staring at me.

After about 3-5 minutes I finally gave in, I sighed out loud.

"If you gingers have something to say, just say it." I stated glancing to their direction.

The two looked at each, like they were sending telepathic messages to each-other. After that they looked back to me.

"Well, actually.. um.. we're curious..." Hikaru starts off, looking slightly hesistant while he slowly went and walk around to my left side. "..If you're actually Gay, because at first we thought that boss was joking when he said you were Gay along with Haruhi. But I guess that would make sense of how Haruhi got the girls's hearts without a sweat and you getting a crush at some guy you just met," Kaoru finishes for Hikaru, as he popped up from behind me on my right, which I didn't even nothiced. I quickly flashed them a glare, making them flinch away. But I slowly softened them when I felt Haruhi's hand tugging on my sleeve.

I sighed out loud once more as the hosts waited for my answer. I could see Kyoya going to a far table with his laptop and I thought he would just ignore this, but unknowingly I saw him glancing to my direction like he was waiting as well.

"First Off, I am not Gay and so is Haruhi." I stated, I saw them still staying silent and patiently waited for my continuation, "And secondly, you do not just ask someone their sexuality or assume what their sexuality is based on what you just heard." I said like I was counting my fingers, and made a quick glare at Tamaki who flinched away and went back to growing his mushrooms, but still listed to our conversation nonetheless.

I then went and stepped forward and turned my back to them and looked over my shoulders to them once more, "Lastly, don't be insensitive when you notice or know that the people you asked for their sexuality are uncomfortable with that question." I said trailing off as I looked out to the window with slight saddened eyes, but took them back as quickly as I let them slide, ''That, unless they actually don't mind." I finished.

There was silence...

I sighed once more.

"I'm Bi, so stop pestering me of what my sexuality is, alright?" I said, as I rub my temples. I could see them smiling afterwards. I somehow didn't noticed the look of relief of the hosts faces especially a certain raven haired male, who also smiled after hearing that statement.

Someone cleared their throat as they made an echoing step forward from behind me and Haruhi, which actually made me flinched from the sudden sound. But I came back to my senses when I realized that it was just Tamaki.

"All right, then..." He started. I looked at him up and down, he looks to have recovered from earlier. "Let's examine our strategy." He stated which I gave a puzzled look. "Which one?" The hosts all said in unison, well except for me and Haruhi. Tamaki sighed while he looked down, like he was disappointed that the other hosts didn't know what he was referring to exactly. But continued after nonetheless.

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