36| The Twins Fight

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| (M/N)'s POV

"Hikaru! Kaoru!" Tamaki angrily yelled, making me along with everyone else in our tables to look at him with a confused expression.

"I let you guys maintain the club's webpage on the condition that you guys would take it seriously, right!?" He stated trying to surpress his yelling, but that didn't help one bit because he was already yelling at the two while he glaring at them. The twins looked to be unbothered by Tamaki and looked at him blankly.

"Yeah, we are doing it seriously," Hikaru starts gesturing his arm like he was stating a fact. "We were up until early morning yesterday," Koaru explained, and gestured with his hands like it was another fact.

"And this is the graphic you guys came up with?!" Tamaki screamed at the twins face as he revealed the computer in front of them. My curiousity came to me as I peeked to see what it was, but as soon as I saw it, my aura quickly turned dark in a flick of a light switch.

"Haru-chan, you're so cool!" I heard Honey-senpai say when he went to take a look at the video in the computer, of which was Haruhi (half)N-A-K-E-D in male form. I could see my guests and the twins gawk at the sight with their eyes turning into hearts.

"When?" Tamaki asked mickly. The twins turned to him asking 'huh'?

"When did you guys take a nude of Haruhi?!" He cried. I slowly went behind the twins and grabbed both each of their shoulders after Tamaki went to cry dramatically. They flinched when they turned their heads over to me. I looked at them with a deadly glare, I could see there was sweat forming in the sides of their faces while they smiled sheepishly at me.

"C-Calm down (M/N)-senpai.." Kaoru started with a nervous grin as he and Hikaru put their hands up in surrender when they turned to face me. "It's just photo-shopped.." Hikaru finished. I slowly looked at them suspeciouly, making their heads nod repeatedly, like they were telling the truth. Slowly I sighed, thinking maybe I jumped a bit too fast to conclusions. After the twins confirmed that I was finally at my cool they put their arms over my shoulders.

"It's a nice job, right?" Hikaru asked  with a grin, I glared a him a little, "We possess some elite skills at this," Kaoru said with a proud look, I just sighed once more. Tamaki seemed to have heard that, because he went to point at the twins with a pissed off look, "Idiots! What a waste of skills! You guys should be ashamed!" He yelled at them and I nodded in agreement. The twins pout childishly.

"If you're going to do a shop, shop it like this idol photo collection!" Tamaki showed with sparkles in his eyes. My eyes twitched as I harshly grabbed the magazine off from his hand and twisted it to make it as thick as a bat then bonked his head, making him cry and rub the lump on his head.

"That's stupid, my lord." The twins said and snickered at his pained state. "It's much easier.." Hikaru starts, "..to have Haruhi wear these clothing instead," Koaru finished stating the obvious. I rolled my eyes. When Tamaki actually bought the idea given to him.

"How about something like this?" tamaki asked as he pulled up a dress, my eyes twitched in annoyance. "Why do you have one on hand?" Honey-senpai asked innocently to Tamaki. I shrugged the twins hands off my shoulders and went towards Tamaki, kicking his side, sending him flying across the room. I stood on my feet next to Haruhi, patting my hands together like I've finished doing my job.

"Haruhi-kun is so gorgeous!" one of the guests said still watching the clips.

"But, like Tamaki-sama said, I also want to see Haruhi-kun in ladies' clothing," One of Haruhi's regular said.

"Haruhi-kun is so cute, so it'll definitely look good on him!" On of tamaki's regular agreed with a look of something like she's imagining the image.

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