18| Don't You Dare

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| (M/N)'s POV

"But wow, the more I look at this, the more I marvel at it." I heard one of the twins said, making me go and have a look at the remaining group of hosts, as I drag Tamaki's annoying dead body for them to bury later. "How is it that this can become that?" Hikaru asks, while he points at a picture of Haruhi's middle school days to her once before appearance. I could clearly tell who's voice it is now that I was in hearing range.

The group finally noticed my presence once I was close enough to them. Their attention then went trailing off to the body in one of my hands.

"He's not dead yet, right?" Kaoru asked as he poked the body.

"We'll just see." I said as I glare lightly with a smile, giving them slight chills. I then dropped Tamaki on the floor, going to Haruhi's side. While I put my hands over her in a protective manner, while I glare at those that tries to get close to her.

The group seems to ignore the body on the floor and just went on with their discussion from earlier.

"So how'd you became all that when you went here in Ouran?" Kaoru asked Hikaru's earlier question to my sister. "The day before the entrance ceremonies. I had gum stuck in my hair from one of the children in the naiborhood. It was such a pain to get out that I cut it off." She explained. The host raised a brow at her and glanced towards me. It was my turn to raise one of my brows at I looked at them confused for looking at me like that, "What?" I finally asked.

"Well senpai, we thought that you would cut Haruhi's hair instead since you look like you would happily do it for her." Kaoru says as he shrugged his shoulders with a bored look.

I glanced down to Haruhi then back to them. I sighed out loud and laid my chin on Haruhi's head. "Well, I would have, but when I got home I saw her hair already cut off," I said remembering the memory.

"Ore[ore=I] didn't really care if I looked like a boy." Haruhi said as she tries to get me off of her head. After saying that, the dead came back to live as he launches himself in front of me and Haruhi in an instant.

"Girls should not be referring to themselves as "Ore"!!" He yelled as tears stream his eyes dramatically. I glared at him for yelling at me and Haruhi, but he didin't saw it when he suddenly turned his head towards the other hosts in the side.

"Mommy! Haruhi is using dirty words!!!" He cried out like a little child that't telling his mother about a bully.

"Uh, I'm sorry but who's Mommy?" Hikaru asks as he turns to face Kyoya.

"From a club position standpoint, I guess I am," Kyoya states, I couldn't help but let out a light mocking laugh while I put one of my hand over my mouth.

"So you two are Married? Pff.." I said laughing a little at the two hosts, "Well after all, I can pay back more debt before I graduate by being a designated host, than I can as an errand boy." Haruhi says as she thinks of something.

My attention then went below me as Tamaki suddenly went and grabbed onto my shirt while he cried dramatically, saying, "How can you let your little sister to be a guy!? Why are you so calm about this!?" he asked as he burts his annoying dramatic tears out. I looked at him with a disgusted out expression, "Dude Gross! Get off of me! Your snot is everywhere!!" I said as I try to pry him off of him.

"By the way, do you two have any experience in social dancing?" Hikaru starts I went to look at him as soon as I pried Tamaki off. "It's essential for the party." Kaoru finished as they both gave me and Haruhi a grin.

Haruhi and I froze while we both gave a nervous smile, having a bad feeling where this is going.

"H-Huh? No, but the party has nothing to do with our quota, r-right?" I said speaking for both of us. "We're not all that interested in going to events anyways, so if we could be excused..." Haruhi then says after as she slowly tilt her head why taking a small step backwards. But she stopped as soon as she felt the annoying rich blonde behind us.

"No, social dances are a common practice for a gentleman." He starts trying to act like an actual host for once.

"If you want to walk the path of the host that badly, then you and (M/N) must show us how far you're willing to go. Haruhi-kun." He said as he point up, like he was making a point.

Tamaki then poses like he a dance's posture while continuing his rant, "If you two could master the waltz in one week, and demonstrate it to us at next week's party, Then I will expose the fact that you are a girl, and bust you back down to errand boy!" He said, threatening to expose her, as he points at my sister, making me slightly irritated at his gesture.

Anger boiled in me, angry at tamaki for threatening my little sister.

I went in front of Haruhi and shield her from the annoying blonde in front of her.

Tamaki flinched lightly when he saw my glarring daggers at him, but quickly put on a tough look and looked at me.

"Don't you dare threaten Haruhi like that, TAMAKI." I said, angrily. And was practically growling at him.

The Hosts looked surprised especially Tamaki since I called him by his name and not the usual 'rich bastard' or 'mongrel'. I was seriously angry at him for threatening my only and little sister.

Sorry for the short chapter!

But, Okay, So it looks like (M/N) will even be more angry or irritated at Tamaki this time. For threatening Haruhi.

Nice going Tamaki you're way off (M/N)'s love interests now. *Rolls eyes* tsl tsk. (¬_¬)

Well see you guys on the next Update! And thank you for reading this lil' fanfic book of mine! ^^

WC: 1097

Have a nice day everyone! I luv u all the read this~ I'll try to update again tommorow or the day after!!! Baiiii~~ mua~! 💋


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