30| The Physical Exams

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I'm really sorry for not updating a while, I've been feeling really feverish these past few days, a lot to do at home and I still have dance practice... so I haven't really had the time to write.. I hope you guys still vote thought, have fun reading!^^

It was the end of the day and I was late for the meeting that the hosts told me about. I could see the other hosts were already there when I opened the door. I was a few feet away from the hosts, because I was still by the door. Kaoru noticed that I went in and he smiled at me which I returned back.

"Hey (M/N)-senpai! Where's Haruhi?" Kaoru asks, making the other hosts except for Tamaki turn to look at me.

"Oh she said she's coming about a few minutes later than me," I said still smiling a bit. "Oh, okay." Kaoru says. The other hosts greeted me good morning and greeted them back. After a few seconds I noticed that Tamaki was at a chair with a really somehow annoying smile, that got my eyes twitching from sudden irritation, because I feel like he's thinking about Haruhi.

"Tama-chan seems to be enjoying himself huh?" Honey-senpai's says with his innocent smile as he hugged his stuffed animal to his chest. I could see Hikaru looking at Tamaki with a bored look, "He looks rather miserable to me." He said.

"Don't be so cynical, Hikaru. Everything is going according to plan! I could see how this would turn out from the start, without being jealous of the likes of you. Indeed! This anime has always been a school love comedy!" Tamaki exclaims, as he did weird and annoying poses.

"Then what are we?" The twins asked.

"Why, the necessary homo-homo supporting cast, of course, So make sure you don't come past this line." He replied, while he points his finger at all of us then draw a line.

Excuse me, what? I thought to myself as my eyes twitched from annoyance at all this b*llshit he's spouting.

"I'm kind of disgusted by this." The twins said in sync as they looked at the line with me, Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai. Suddenly the twins looked sternly towards Tamaki's direction, which made me shock a little at their sudden change of behavior.

"On the other hand..." Hikaru started.

"...don't you understand, boss?" Kaoru says after.

"If it gets out that Haru-chan is a girl, she won't be able to stay in the Host Club." Honey-senpai stated the facts. Making Tamaki go pale as a white sheet his smile turning into a thin line. "But if Haru-chan were to wear girl's clothes, she'd look even more cute, huh?" He finished with a cute looking grin plastered on his face.

I looked at Tamaki's pale form, the look on his face honestly want me to laugh, but I stopped myself instead an idea came to mind.

"Yeah, she looked great in both summer and winter uniforms back then." I said adding fuel to the fire to see how long Tamaki could handle this. A smirk forming on my lips.

"She did dress like a regular girl when she was in middle school, so she must have been popular with the boys right?" Hikaru asks as he looked towards me for answers which I gave a defeated sigh.

"Yes, some of them were a real pain in the neck," I said remembering a couple of guys that wanted to date my little sister back in middle school.

"According to my investigative report, someone would declare their love to her about once a month." Kyoya says, making me nod my head to confirm the truth at what information he spilled.

"Oh, then his highness wouldn't be able to get near her, huh?" Kaoru said with a mischievous grin forming on his lips.

"Well, we're still in the same class as her, so we'd be okay." Hikaru says after, an identical grin also forming on his lips. This fact somehow triggered Tamaki to twitch a little.

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