05| Protecting Haruhi

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At the end I still chose to hide them. Well I don't wanna scare someone else. I thought, Sighing.

Haruhi and I just got back after buying the stuff on the list that the Host Club told us to buy.

As we walked in the host club I heard Tamaki calling for us. Is it us?

"Little Piggies, well done with your errands~! Did you buy the correct items?" He asked, smiling.

"P-Piggies.?" My sister mumbles sweat dropping. My eyes twitched at the insult he gave to me and my little adorable sister.

"What did you say, mongrel?" I asked in a deep voice, if my eyes were to be shown they(the guests&Tamaki) would probably run away. Tamaki and his guests flinched a bit, his face paled slightly. "A-Ah, I meant l-little Doggies.." Tamaki corrected himself smiling sheepishly.

I decided to let him off the hook on this one, since my sister and I were the ones who's in-debt to them.

I took the items we bought from Haruhi and gave them to Tamaki.

"Hm? And, what would this be?" Tamaki asked trying to change the atmosphere and because he really looked curious at the item he was holding.

"Coffee, As you can see," My sister answered, plainly.

"I haven't seen this maker before, Is this the one of the ones that's already ground?" Tamaki asked again, curiosity could be seen swirling inside his violent eyes.

"No. It's the instant kind," I answered him for Haruhi.

"Instant?" Tamaki's guests from the other couch asked tilting their heands to the side with puzzled faces.

"Ohh! This is the type where all you need to do is put hot water in it," He paused, "The so-called commoner coffee!" He exclaimed, making the other guests go Tamaki's Table to take a look. My sister and I sweat dropped at the number of people increasing.

"Oh my, so that's the famous—" The lady on the other couch said gasping lightly,

"So it was true that poor people use this since they can't grind coffee nuts with the little time they have," The other girl states beside the girl who spoke earlier. The other guests nodded their head in agreement, staring at the Instant Coffee that Tamaki was still holding.

"Commoner's wisdom, I see." Kyoya says who was suddenly beside me, making me jump a bit, I looked left and right to find the two gingers and a couple more guests. I sweat dropped at this.

"300 yen for 100 grams, huh?" The ginger from my right says.

"What an extraordinary price!" The ginger from the left said, looking at the coffee in amazement.

"I'll go buy it again!" My sister says annoyed, "Excuse us for not buying expensive coffee nuts!" She mumbled that only I can hear. I patted her back gently, "Don't worry, Haruhi. Their just rich jerks." I said in a low voice that only she can hear. I was smiling outside, but I was itching to do something to that annoying Tamaki. She just sighed and nod her head then hung it low grinding her teeths, cursing the Host club under her breath.

"No, wait!" Tamaki exclaimed, then dramatically stood up while saying, "I'll try this.." He says looking at the coffee intensely.

"Ehh??" The guest and the the two gingers exclaimed.

Tamaki raised the coffee up like he was lady liberty, "I'll try this out!" He says proudly, making the guests and the two gingers clap resulting an applause.

"All right, Haruhi and (M/N). Come over here and make us some commoners coffee!" Tamaki commands us as they walked to the table with the guests.

You rich Bastards... I thought my eyes twitch from annoyance under my bangs as I burningly glared into their backs.

"Tamaki-sama is dallying too much. There is no way a personal favorite coffee bought by lowly commoners... would suit his taste..."

"Huh?" Haruhi asked as we turned to the guest that surprisingly stayed behind.

"Excuse me, I was just talking to myself." She said and turns to us with an obvious fake smile that I see through, even under my bangs.

"Oh..." My sister says, not thinking too much into it, unlike me.

"Haruhi! (M/N)!" Tamaki called out for us again. My sister sweat dropped looking to their direction.

"Yeah, Yeah..." My sister says, starting to walk towards the others, while I continued to stare at the red haired girl who was still smiling fakely. I glance to my sister who was a bit at the distance.

I leaned down to the red haired girl, I rested my hands on the couch's back, smiling down at the red haired girl, who was startled and leaned back a bit, showing her real expression. Her expression was of a girl who is disgusted. I slowly brushed my hair up on my left, showing my left eye, that was staring at her sternly. She flinched when I grinned down at her, she looked terrified.

"Don't even think about doing anything to Haruhi.." I started, my grin slowly turning into a frown. She looked disgusted and scared at the same time, but she didn't say a word and just looked into my eye. I leaned a bit again, "If you do, I'll do something that you'll regret." I whispered into her ear, she shivered, the feature of disgust was now gone just pure expression of being terrified.

When I saw that some people were closing in I leaned back and let go of my bangs, making them fall to the side. "It was a nice chatting with you, m'lady~ but I need to go now~!" I said, putting up a fake smile.

Then I started to walking and went to where Haruhi was, leaving the terrified red haired girl alone. I noticed before I left, she was shaking, but not because she was terrified, but because she was in rage and angry. When I was a bit far away from her I can feel her glaring daggers directly stabbing into my back.

I smirked to myself.

At least it's not my sister she's angry at, anymore. I thought content at the results.

Well that was short haha, At least Chapter Five is Finished! See ya guys again! Love you all!

WC: 1065

Always vote and comment, but most of all stay safe everyone!


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