| Halloween Special!!! |

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Hello everyone! Happy Halloween! Sorry I took a while, but I hope this makes up for it! Enjoy the special Story!

| Third Person's POV

Everyone has heard the tale of Little Red Riding Hood.. we know how she met the big bad wolf in the woods on her way to Grandma's house. We know how the wolf got to grandma's house first and disguised himself as 'Granma' 'What big eyes you have' and 'what big teeth you have' and blah blah blah, rescued by the woodsman at the last minute.. etc, etc. We've all heard that story!

But let's add a twist for this story. Little Red was actually a boy, the 'Grandmother' was actually his sick aunt and the Wolf was just a curious wolf. With these twists.. let's see how the Story will go shall we?


While walking down the woods Little Red looked around the overly quiet and eerie forest. He felt like someone was watching him from the shodows making him shiver from fright of what might come out of the place he was at.

Little Red made a firm hold on the basket of muffins, when the bushes suddenly russled from behind him.

Little Red quickly went behind one of the trees to hide from a possible wild animal that was after his flesh and blood. The thought made him shiver. He put a hand to his mouth to keep himself from making any unnecessary noise.

The rustling stopped and was replaced with menacing footsteps or at least that's what he thought untill the sound of a howling wolf reached his ears. It was a wolf. And that wolf was just near the area he was hiding.

At this moment Little Red felt himself jump into an upright position, the frightened boy walked silently in a deeper part of the forest, praying desperately that the wolf didn't hear or see him. He stopped at one of the trees and let out a low shaky breathe. The male prayed and prayed for the wolf to just pass him, praying for something to happen.

And something did happen.

But what happened was not what he had hoped for.

A stray pollen tickled Red's sensitive nose, and before he could hold it in, a sneeze escaped.

The painful howl stopped --- as if a natural warning for Red to run. The black wolf snapped its head to the source of the sound, advancing, but still unsure of the exact whereabouts.

Just then, Little Red heard the footsteps. No, pawsteps. Just right behind him.

Without even a second thought, Red run as fast as he could, trying to use the many trees to his advantage. Going in zigzag to try and loose the giant wolf that was fresh on his trails.

Just then, his luck run out and he found himself stop in the middle of a clearing filled with beautiful flowers, but the scenery was far from what he was focused right now. He had nowhere to hide.

He turned around and his eyes met the big preditor who was looking straight at him, as if observing the male while slowly taking a few steps forward.

Red stumbled backwards, falling to the ground along with the basket full of muffin that spilled a bit to the grass. The sudden stumble also caused Red's hood to fell down his shoulder's showing his maroon colored hair, fair and pale skin and his beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

When the giant wolf stopped in front of him, Little Red hyperventilate. Feeling himself get light-headed from the overwhelming feeling of a giant black wolf that could probably bite his head off in just a blink of an eye. When the wolf opened his mouth to yawn the maroon haired male vulnerably fainting to the ground.

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