60| The Fujioka Sibling's Fight

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| Haruhi's POV

"Hey, Hikaru.. You talk to him," Kaoru nudge Hikaru with a look of demand.

"What? Why me!? You go talk to him!" Hikaru argues as he nudge Kaoru back with a playful but annoyed glare.

"Will you brats just go and ask him?!"  Tamaki-senpai yelled in a whisper to the twins glaring at them as he looked back at nii-chan who still had a uninterested look on his face and was abnormally quiet today.

"How 'bout you do it boss!" The twins said in sync quickly pushing senpai towards nii-chan without letting him to even reply back.

Tamaki-senpai stumbled forward and accidentally bumped at (M/N) nii-chan's back.

Nii-chan went and looked up to Tamaki-senpai with a poker face that he has been wearing ever since he was discharged from the hospital.

"Er-- um.. H-Hey (M/N)-kun! W-What's up?" Tamaki-senpai awkwardly greeted with a sweat-drop, I could see the twins to face palm in disappointment at senpai's effort to make a simple conversation.

"..." Nii-chan just stared at Tamaki-senpai for a full minute before finally replying back.

"Nothing much.." He said and looked back out the window with a distant look.

Tamaki bit his bottom lip before taking a deep breath to get more courage to push through nii-chan's invisible wall of obvious sadness of something, but I beat him to it by speaking up.

"Okay, that is not 'nothing much' to me. Tell me, is there something going on?" I asked the question that has been lingering in everyone's mind at the moment. Nii-chan looked at me, looking hesitant to tell the truth.

"It's... ...It's really nothing, everything's fine!" Everyone in the room looked at Nii-chan's broken smile and couldn't help but to have an aching feeling in their chests including me.

"Can you tell me when we get home then.?" I pushed even more, eager to know what's been bothering him.

He looked at me and gave a small smile, before going towards me and pat my head.

"You're worrying to much sis, I'm fine really."

My heart ached at his unwillingness to even confess his burdens on his shoulders.

I'm his own sister, yet I couldn't even know what's been bothering him. He and Dad had indured so much for me, yet I can't even let him to lean on me.! Without knowing it, I clenched my fists from anger at myself and anger towards him for not even being honest with me.

| (M/N)'s POV

I noticed that she suddenly became quiet as she clenched her fists before running out the door with an angry and hurt mixture of emotions.

"Wait, H-Haruhi--!" I tried to call out to her but she already slammed the door at me.


"Ah.." I slowly let my hand that was reaching out earlier to drop down on my side. I let my head down from the feeling of defeat and guilt, I didn't mean to lie to her! I bet she's going to avoid me all day today.. "ugh..."

"I'm impressed." Kyoya spoke up, pushing up his glasses after writing something down once again on his black notebook.

"Impressed of what?" I asked with a gloomy atmosphere.

"Because that's the first time that I have seen Haruhi get angry a you." Kyoya explained with his annoying sadistic smile.

"We second that," The twins said with a thinking look, like they were trying to remember if she has gotten angry at me even once before.

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