37| Teasing With Jealousy

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This part of the Anime I changed it up a little so don't question okay? (Spoiler: something spicy will happen at the end~) Well then enjoy!

| Third Person's POV

After the tremendous fight between the Hitachiin Twin brothers, the Fujioka Silblings thought that it would just end there, but they were terribly wrong for the next day the twins decided to continue on with their conflict with each other.

The bell rung signaling the remaining students outside or in the school grounds, that it was time for them to go to their respective classroom.


Just as the bell stopped a familiar male voice hits Haruhi, making the brunette turn to look at who called for her. Seeing a bright pink-haired male who the young freshman recognize right away as Hikaru.

"Good morning." The male said with a bored tone and a bland look as he walked towards Haruhi. The students in the classroom stared with wide eyes as they murmured to each other watching the used-to-be gingered-haired Hikaru now's hair was a hot flam-pink color that was slicked back some strands sticking out, but it surprisingly suited him.

"Hikaru..." Haruhi starts as he stared at the new bright pink hair before continuing her words, "what's up with your hair?" She asked then slowly raised her brow, "And why pink.?" She asked once more.

Hikaru gave her his signature smirk before answering, "Because it looks good on me, Cute no?" He answered with a prideful look. "I'm pink starting today, because I'm sick and tired of always being mistaken for the likes of Kaoru," Hikaru said on still smiling, like he wasn't saying anything bad.

As the older twin continued to converse with the brunette his younger twin slowly came in the door some girls gasped after seeing him. When he walked towards Haruhi's desk Haruhi's eyes shifted towards Kaoru. Staring at the opposite-but-identical hair style of the now Blue haired twin.

"Good morning, Haruhi," Kaoru greeted.

To much to Hikaru's earlier nice mood he now looked blanked, as soon as Kaoru was near him and Haruhi.

"And Kaoru's blue, eh..." Haruhi says as she looked at the new hair colors of the twins with a sweat drop. As soon as Hikaru sensed his brother about to have a small conversation with Haruhi he started to walk towards his seat where it was just next to Haruhi in her Left side.

"I was finally able to have an elegant sleep alone last night," Kaoru starts with a smile. "But I have a bad dream, " Kaoru paused as soon as he saw that he's brother was taking his seat he continued on now wearing a teasing smirk, "I dreamt about dying my hair PINK... or something disgusting like that." The obvious provoking of emphasizing the word 'pink' made Hikaru form an irk mark. As the blue-haired twin was about to seat at his seat with a mocking laugh the pink-haired twin kicked his chair away, making Kaoru land on his butt.

The room went silent as Kaoru slowly turned his head to his older brother with a twitching eye and an irk mark already growing from annoyance. Before Hikaru could even react Kaoru grabbed one of the legs of the chair pulling it to make it unbalance and there made his older brother fall to the side.

Haruhi could feel the behind her as she could feel her sweat dropping.

The twins looked at each other with blanked looks and grabbed their chairs as they suddenly started to throw things at each other. The two avoiding each throw, and throwing any object unfortunately near them at each other again and again. The poor brunette in the middle sighed tiredly at the twins childish fight, lowering her head to her desk.

~Time Skipped~

The twins fight eventually stopped because of the teacher coming in, but because of the fight earlier the young brunette unconciously followed after them being worried that the two might hurt themselves at lunch.

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