25| Work

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It was 1:21am, it was a quiet ride, only Honey-senpai's chattering with Haruhi were the only sounds. I was beside Mori-senpai, here in the backseat, while Haruhi was with Honey-senpai in the front, in front of us. I would constantly look at my phone to check the time, as I tapped on the car's floor impatiently trying to calm down. Thinking of a way to get to my part-time job without getting caught.

Don't worry (M/N), you'll make it in time, yeah.. you just have to past your little Sis and Dad when it hits the time to sleep for them, then sneak out and rush to your part-time! Yeah! That'll work! I thought to myself trying to be optimistic. I looked at the time again, 1:23am.

I sighed out loud and was about to yawn next, but I stopped myself and just slapped my left cheek to stay awake.

I almost jump when I heard Mori-senpai suddenly called out for me, "(M/N).." I turned to him and smiled tiredly as I scratch the back of my neck, "Y-Yes?" I ask.

Mori-senpai stared at me for a while with his usual stoic expression, before he finally said something, "You can sleep on my shoulder, if you're tired.." Mori-senpai says softly, I blinked, and before answering I looked at the time again, 1:29am.

Should I? I mean I do have to get some rest.. right? I thought to myself once more.

'But wouldn't that bother senpai?' I heard a little voice said on my right side and could tell that their words were concered.

Yeah maybe I should decline.. I thought to myself agreeing to the little voice.

'Oh come on it's just a little nap, I'm sure he won't mind~!' Another little voice said with a slight mischievous tone in his words. I debated with what I should reply then finally made my decision.

I looked back at Mori-senpai and smiled a little, "O-Okay.." I said, while I awkwardly laid my head on his shoulder.

Ugh! I shouldn't have sided with my mischievous thoughts! This is so embarrassing! I thought to myself, but quickly forgot about it, the moment I laid my head down on his shoulder.

Because I suddenly felt tired, and unknowingly yawned out loud, after I yawned I slowly felt my eyes getting heavy, Is dancing all night then cried for a little while(15minutes), makes you this.. sleepy..? I thought. Then yawned again, before I truthfully closed my eyes I felt myself mumble something even I couldn't hear or probably process to remember later.

And I fell asleep.


I heard someone calling out to me as they shake me gently to wake me up. I grumbled and I hugged onto my pillow, burying my face into it's weird curve structure, I then felt my pillow's heart beating really fast.




Wait what?

I quickly bolted away from my pillow, and tried to quickly shot open my eyes, but squinted a bit as soon as I opened them, because of some dim yellow-like-lights around. I blink a few times waiting for my vision to adjust, and when it finally did I widened my eyes in shock to realize that my pillow was a person and not just anybody, but, MORI-SENPAI?!

I saw Mori-senpai giving me a light smile, "We're almost there.." he softly said. Blood quickly rushed to my face. "O-Oh, u-uh I- uh-" I couldn't say anything still feeling embarrassed that I called Mori-senpai "My Pillow" a few times in my head and actually clinging onto him. I covered my face, trying to hide my probably already cherry red face. Even thought I knew he clearly saw it already, I still tried to hide in my hands.

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