50| Confused

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Hey guys! It's been a while but I'm back, Just gotta say that thank you all sooo SO Much for so many reads and votes! Right, this chapter will have a lot of Pov changes, but I hope y'all don't mind- anyways ENJOY! (^^)/

| Third Person's POV

As soon as the doors tensely closed, the tall blonde in the group screamed as he cried dramatically in front of his members.

"Why did we have to tell them the truth.. and add oil to the fire?!"

The blonde asked as he pulled onto his hair from panic with a mixture of frustration and fear, to how he Fujioka siblings responded to the truth of the Host Club's funding.

"The truth is the truth." Kyoya bluntly responded.

"Selling their pencil and eraser must've been bad." The small senior says as he frowned.

One of the twins hummed, before commenting in on the topic as well.

"It could have been a memento from their mother." Kaoru guessed, as he looked to be thinking hard.

"Actually, I think it's just extras from the electronics store." The older twin, Hikaru says, as he pointed at the brand on both the items on the laptop's screen.

Everyone hummed, and the blonde president of the club evetually calmed down. He walked to the giant glass windor, placing his hand on it, having a worried look.

"My humble servants, just think about it.." The sudden change of demeanor from Tamaki caught the attention of the club as they quietly listened to the words of their president.

"While Haruhi is basically indifferent about it, if we had to say, she actually has a preference for male clothing. And (M/N)-kun.. looks like he doesn't really care as well(<lies). Besides, back when they first (forced to)joined the Host Club. They said this didn't they? Haruhi: 'But it's not too bad to be a host and listen to girls chit-chat' (M/N): 'yeah this could be a nice change' (<Tamaki's make-believe)." Tamaki paused as he slowly get the Club's full attention.

"Why did we not notice all this time? maybe they.. might be more fitted to be.. in the Zuka Club than the Host Club.." Tamaki finished with a frown. The Host's seem to freeze up in realization. Their expression completely saying; He's got a point!

"And perfect for girl's school.." Hikaru comments, sweat forming on the side of his head.

The little senior quickly burst into tears, "Haru-chan and (N/N)-chan's going to transfer?" Honey asked as he cried while hugging his stuffed toy.

"What are we going to do?" Kaoru asks first, sweat also forming on his head.

"With Haruhi's and (M/N)-senpai's smarts. Lobelia's scholarship exam should be a peice of cake!" Hikaru comments.

"And Lobelia is likely to pay off their 6 million yen debt for them." Kyoya added on, making Honey even cry harder, while Mori stand beside him, with a slightly worried look as he just hummed. The club somehow forgot the Older Fujioka was still 'male'.

"Calm down! Calm down my humble servants! Listen to what I have to say!" Tamaki suddednly exclaimed, making the crying senior and slightly panicking host's to look at him and listen.

"I have a secret plan!" He said with full confidence.


| (M/N)'s POV

Loud squealing was heard inside The Cultural Club Exhibition, that Ouran High School was hosting for the second day. I took a peek inside, seeing three familiar girls from yesterday, cringing as I heard the girls from the other school squealing like Banshees. I quickly walked away from the Exhibition with my hands clasped over my ears, face crunched up with distaste.

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