13| The King is so Stupid

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"What happened to her?" I asked, slowly looking up to the nurse.

"That..." He started. Then suddenly turned to me with a small grin. "By the way you haven't explained why your cheeks are swollen." He pointed at one of his cheek, making me lightly jolt.

"O-Oh this? uh.. well f-funny story—!" I stopped myself from talking and looked at him. Gasping internally, I stared at him with a look that says, 'Wait a damn minute' He just dodged my question right? I thought. When I was going to ask the question that I had just thought, he spoke first.

"Actually, it's okay, you don't have to explain yourself. But you should really go back now, it's getting late Fujioka-kun." He said as he smiled to me gently and a bit bright enough for me not to say 'no' to him.

"O-Oh, your right, but Mr. nurse-" I was cut off by him when he spoke once more, "It's Tanaka. Tanaka, Daiki. Just call me 'Daiki-san' or 'Tanaka-san' if you don't mind Fujioka-kun," He scratched the back of his head and light sweat dropped, "I feel a old being called 'Mr. nurse'..." He answered glancing to the side with a sudden gloomy aura around him.

I chuckled lightly at his behavior making him chuckle back too. Then there was the awkward silence again. I looked to Tanaka-san once more and I fidgeted with my fingers. "Actually Tanaka-san, You don't have to tell me if it's a sensitive topic, and heck I just met you twice so I don't really have any right to ask, haha." I said scratching the back of my head while giving a smile. Tanaka-san looked at me and smile warmly in return. "No.. Don't say that, it's alright Fujioka-kun." He said and to my surprise he patted my head. I was slightly dumbfounded. But after a while I smiled at his touch feeling a warm and fuzzy feeling inside.

"Um, Tanaka-san.. Can.. Can I come again.? I-I really like talking with you.. 'cause you're really nice like a big brother figure so... um c-can I come again?" I asked repeating 'can I come again 2(x)'. Tanaka-san was silent and just stared at me. Making me look down to my feet.

Ugh, I feel so awkward!!! I thought crying internally.

"I-I mean.. not like a big brother figure.. but you know kinda like t-that..? ha..ha..ha..?" I said not really knowing what I was saying, feeling my face lightly heat up from embarrassment. I glance at Tanaka-san and he looked at me confused. I turned to the side with light tears falling dramatically.

Ugh! Just shut up (M/N)! You're being really weird and awkward! I scolded myself and slapped myself where the scratch was, and let me tell you it stung and I realized that what I just did was stupid. I glance to Tanaka-san again and he looked worried and sweating.

I was getting nervous and it is always not good when I'm nervous. I slowly turned my head towards Tanaka-san, making him lightly flinch for some reason. My eyes twitched as I stared at him nervously, but maybe from a third person's perspective, I probably look like I'm glaring at him intensely because of my eyes. I took a deep breath to ease my shaky mouth from nervousness,

"Let.. me.. come.. again..!" And thank you for treating my wound! (<- he thought he said it, but only managed to thought it out, hahaha)

I smiled, because I managed to say it. I then bit the bottom of my lip and quickly fast run from the infirmary. Not noticing the state of Tanaka-san, before I left.

(For y'all that are wondering what Tanaka's face looked like when (M/N) left.. well.., He looked like he was shocked, a little scared and confused at the same time. lol)

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