| Special Chapter!!! |

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This was suppose to be from Christmas day Special, But I'll just make it work, because I wasn't feeling well the couple of days, and now this'll be just a new year special! Happy New Year Everyone! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! (btw this is from their past hope there's some hints here for y'all back story hehe~) My art at the top btw (I just wanted to share because some of the readers here don't look at 'My Art Works')! ^^

"Okay, let me tighten that for you Haruhi dear," Dad says with a smile as he tightens Haruhi's yukata waist-band. Haruhi put up her arms to both her sides and turned around, her back facing Dad's to give him a better view of the ribbon.

"These were what you and mom wore?" I asked as I looked at Dad's old yukata that I am now wearing.

"And~ it... is... done!" Dad says after he finished fixing Haruhi's bow into a neat one. He then turned to me to answer my question, "Yup! Still looks brand new right?" Dad said with a contagious smile.

"Yeah, it really looks just brand new, thought your yukata's a little big on me." I said as I pulled the sleeves up once more because they kept falling down. Dad chuckled, before saying, "Well I guess you're just smaller than your old man." This comment made Haruhi snort out a laugh.

"Hey, it's not funny!" I said and glared a little at Haruhi. She stopped and looked at Dad who also looked back to her, before bursting out in laugher together, making me pout and glare at them who seems to be ignoring me and just continued to laugh.

I groaned angrily and folded my covered hands over my chest.

"Let's just go if you're done." I said still angry as I glare at the door.

"Aww~ (M/N) dear it was just a little humor, come on don't be mad at your poor old dad~" He said with a fake hurt expression plastered on his face while he put a hand over his chest to where his heart is.

I glared at him, but slowly sighed out loud and soften my gaze. "You know that I would never be mad at you dad," I said with a gentle smile, but quickly looked away after realizing how embarrassing that sounded, my cheeks turning a light shade of pink. Dad just chuckled and I could feel him smile afterwards when he was done.

"What time will the festival start again?" Haruhi suddenly asks, trying to break out a small conversation.

"Hm, about 20 minutes." Dad answered. "Oh! Right! Haruhi dear and (M/N) dear you two should also wear our old 'Geta' so your outfits would be complete!" He said as he happily clapped his hands together. "I'll go get them, you two wait outside!" He said and the two of us nodded, going out on our slippers.

"I'm back! Here you two go~!" exclaimed Dad as he showed us 4 pairs of 'Geta's.

"This one's for you Haruhi dear~" He happily says as he handed a beautiful dark wood base with a white rubber band in the middle connected to both sides, with a pair of pure white socks. "And this is for you (M/N) dear~!" He says, after Haruhi took hers from him, showing me a beautiful white wood base with a black rubber band in the middle connecting to both side just like Haruhi's.

I took them from dad and looked at them in awe, "Dad... these are beautiful.!" I said as I continued to observe the 'Geta' taking in the good structure and its still great condition.

"Are you sure you and mom used these!? These looks like it's haven't been used!" I said looking at dad in disbelief. He laughed at my reaction.

"Yup, now run along you two or you'll miss the delicious foods~" He says winking.

Haruhi and I thought of the 'Ikayakis', 'Yakisobas', 'Takoyakis' and etc. all selling out, both of us looking like the world was ending.

We both quickly put on our 'Getas' on and waved Dad goodbye as we speed walk towards the festival.

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