20| A little Cute

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Okay so~~~ There's going to be a fluffy Mori and (M/N) moment again like in the last update, hope y'all enjoy!^^

Haruhi and Kasugazaki were both done practicing, and I'm here beside Honey-senpai eating a slice of chocolate cake that he offered me, with the him eating the rest of the cake, Finishing it faster before I could even get to half of mine, which was really surprising and a little scary, because despite his size he could still gobble up an entire demerite of one half a slice of chocolate cake.

But that's not what's just in my mind, because... I slowly glanced towards to tall raven who was standing behind Honey-senpai like a bodyguard.

Mori-senpai has been really quiet, I mean like really quiet more quieter than his usual, and it started ever since he helped me escape the spinning Honey-senpai dance. Well, if I can even call that a dance.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Kasugazaki exclaiming from a small personal table.

"Oh my! You got a new cups? Ginori, right?" She said, her tone excited and happy.

It tempted me to look over my shoulder to them, curious of what they're talking about.

"Jinory?? [land-grown seaweed]" Haruhi asked as she turned to Kyoya with a cute confused expression.

I chuckled lightly at her wrong understanding.

Kyoya seems to ignore Haruhi's cute questioning look, which annoyed me a little. As he just answered Kasugazaki's earlier question, "You do indeed have a keen eye. They arrived only yesterday. Lately our club has been seeking to improve its tea sets." He said.

"I see.. It's a nice color, Very.. Lovely." She said, as she caresses the teacup like a some precious treasure of hers. I narrowed my eyes at her facial expresion, seeing with a soft gentle look as she gazed into the teacup in her hand. Hmm..

I was going to listen and observe more, but I heard my name being called out across my table.

"(N/N)-chan? Are okay?" I heard Honey-senpai asked with a cute worried kind of look. "You have't touched you cake after a while, so I was worried." Honey-senpai continued on.

I blinked in realization, "O-Oh, right. Sorry I guess I spaced out a bit," I excused, scratching the back of my head. And started to continue to eat the half-eaten chocolate cake that I had forgotten earlier a little quickly to finish it faster, making Honey-senpai looked more at ease as he smiled his signature cute smile.

"You must really like tableware, huh?"

I flinched when I heard a loud "Thud" after Haruhi just said that.

I turned my head to them again, but this time I finished the cake, not noticing the little chocolate crumb that was stuck on my left cheek. But apparently the tall male across the table noticed, before It could hide from his view when turned my head towards where Haruhi, Kyoya and Kasugazaki was at.

"N-n-not really, no, I don't..!" She quickly said, stuttering and her face looked like it was starting to sweat.

After a second she looked a little calm when she put on a sheepish smile, "My word, what are you talking about?" She asked while she rubbed the teacup with one of her fingers nervously.

"Hello, I've brought the teacups you orderd." A new voice says, but he didn't got my attention, instead what got caught it was Kasugazaki's surprised expression that plastered her entire face. After seeing her expression I moved my gaze to the owner of the new voice that made Kasugazaki's face surprised, seeing a guy with dark brown hair, natural pale looking skin and dark gray eyes.

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