34| Attack of the Lady Manager (Part 2)

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Hello everyone! I hope you liked my drawing of (M/N) acting as a real Sadist in this chapter! Thank you again so much for so many supportive comments! I'm honestly light-headed and dizzy when I was writting this lol, maybe cause of my lack of sleep lmao, okay, okay sorry I'll get out of your hair now, bye! Enjoy!^^

| Third Person's POV ( Camera crew )

Loud screaming were heard in the basketball court, as Hikaru perfectly made a three point throw to the ring. His fangirls squealed, but suddenly a peep from the coach's whistle made a loud gasp from the crowd, making the ginger-haired male stop to look with a confused look, that was until he saw his brother in the center of the court, clenching unto his knee with a pained look.

"Get the stretcher!" One of their team yelled out, The team quickly went to the injured male with the stretcher as told.

"Bring him to the trainer's room emmediately!" Their coach yelled out after the two medics put the injured male in the stretcher. When the team was about to go with the male, Hikaru rushed to stop them, kneeling beside his brother.

"Kaoru! Kaoru! Kaoru!!!" Hikaru yelled for his brother with a pleading look. His coach placed a hand on him, "Hikaru, you can't! Get back into the game!" His coach said to him.

Hikaru agressively shoved away his coach's placed hand with a deadly glare, but tears were very visible in his eyes.

"Hikaru.." Kaoru softly called for his brother, making the male drop his glare and looked at his brother with a pained look.

"You need to calm down.. You shouldn't be aware of my pain," Kaoru continued as he gently placed a hand on his brother with a gentle pained smile, "Right now, you're not the one injured.." He gently said stile smiling to try and reasure his worried brother, but his words only make Hikaru grab hold onto his hand as his tears poured down uncontrollably, some of his tears falling on his brothers cheek.

"It hurts! It hurts, Kaoru.." He whimpered out, breaking his injured brother's heart.

"You're pain is also my pain.."

"It's okay if no one understands.."

"As long as we have each other..

"We can live on.."

Suddenly the people on the basketball court faded, leaving the twins in the middle of the school grounds.. The soft pitter-patter of the raindrops could be heard around them, it was softly raining, the small forest of trees in the background had thin mists around them.

"I'm so envious of you two," The sudden voice made them both look to find where it came from. There stood a male, his clothes drenched with his blonde hair having small droplets sticking at the end of his locks.

"You two can support each other like that. There's someone there for you.." The blonde male said again.

"Suou-senpai..." Hikaru starts, staring in awe at the male before them.

"But you're the academy's idol, Suou-senpai.." Kaoru says after his brother, wearing a confused look identical to his brother.

What Kaoru said was simple, but it made Tamaki look at them with a pained look in his eyes, thought his smiled remained. Tamaki gently closed his eyes pullig his head low for a moment muttering, "Idol... eh?" He asked no one in particular.

He brought his hand to his hair slightly flipping in to make him see the twins better.

He looked at them with a stern yet pained look,

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