57| Regret

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TW// Violence. Blood. Trauma. Mention of Alcohol. Homophobia.  I'm sorry I took a while to update and sorry to start off with something like this, but here you all go! I hope you'll enjoy though!^^


I didn't know what was going on but that was all I could see. I tried to open my eyes, but it wouldn't work.. I felt uneasy like something wasn't right. And the constant blurry voices that sounded around me didn't help. Where was I? What was happening? Why am I asking so many questions and why aren't they being answered?

My body was heavy, I couldn't move, even though I wanted to. I felt like I was swimming in a murky lake trying to reach the surface but everytime I thought I was close I'll be dragged back down. What's happening to me? Was I asleep?

Wake up (M/N)! I yelled at myself, but I just couldn't.

Suddenly there was a faint deep sound murmuring in my ears.

What was that?

I had a hard time trying to concentrate on it, but it was somewhat familiar. My head begun to pound when it got too hard to focus. I wanted to scream as the headache formed but nothing was coming out. My body was hot yet cold at the same time.

Then panic started to set in.

Someone! Anyone! Help! I wanted to yell out, feeling my cheeks burn from something warm falling. My mouth felt like it was glued together, my tongue like cotton.

'Someone!' I yelled gripping my aching head.

"Sweet tooth!"

I turned around, the darkness fades and an image of a familiar brunet's face came into my view. His smile was bright almost blinding as the sun. He pulled me into a tight and warm embrace. I looked up at his face once he broke from the hug. He looked back to my eyes, but they suddenly widened from shock.

"Dude, I know that I took your chance to ask some hot chicks and dudes, but you didn't have to cry about it!" He gently wiped my tears away with his hand.

"I-I'm not crying.." I denied, but the sniffle gave it away.

"Right, and I'm not a guy," He roll his eyes with a smirk.

"W-Where are we anyway?" I asked looking around once my vision turned normal.

"Um, outside the school?" He answered like it was obvious.

"But.. where'd the darkness from earlier go?" I asked looking around uneasy as middle schoolers that are dressed up in formal wears walked pass us.

"Dude what are you talking about?" He asked with a confused look.

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out so I closed it back into a thin line. Was I imagining it? I shook my head.

"N-Nothing.. nevermind." I replied.

"Okay..?" He said with an unsure look.

"Well.. let's go then?" He asked with a raised brow, pointing at the school gym.

"Yeah.." I mumbled out a reply. Giving out a small smile. Maybe I was imagining it..

"Oh wait.. um.. Can I do something first? And promise you won't get mad?" (F/N) suddenly asked with a nervous yet hopeful and excited look in his brown eyes.

I stopped to think and hummed, before looking back to him.

"Will I regret it?" I asked with a raised brow.

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