46| Indirect Kiss

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Hope y'all like my drawing! it's a new coloring style I developed ;) + spoiler: there gonna be a little bit more of Kyoya and (M/N) moment.

"It's so pretty.. Tamaki-kun, being alone with you, looking out at the sea, is like a dream."

"It's no dream. But if I could have my way, I'd wish that I could appear in your dreams tonight.."


My nose crunched up and looked at the sight before me, with disgust. What kind of line is that to say to a lady?! I thought to myself as I saw the other ladies waiting in line for their turn to hear more of Tamaki's distasteful(well for me at least it is) lines.

"Sorry! I'll get it!"

I heard a shout to my right looking past Haruhi to see the twins chasing each other instead of the ball, that rolled to a stop between Haruhi's and I's shade, but closer to where Kyoya's shade was. I shook my head with a tired sigh, my eye catching a small snare that was dragging it's shell in the sand. I smiled and tapped its shell, making it hide inside.

Aww, it's so cute! I thought, gushing at the small creature.

"Why.?" My attention was caught away from the snare, by my little sister beside me.

"Hm?" I asked with a raised brow. Not seeing the snare peeked out from its shell, before it once again dragged its shell away, like earlier.

"Why are we conducting Host Club activities here at the beach?" Haruhi asked with an annoyed look. I was going to get annoyed too, but just shook it off in defeat, remembering what Kyoya had said earlier to all of us..

~~ 10 minutes earlier ~~

"We're going to conduct our usual Host Club activities here, the guests will arrive shortly after 5 minutes." Kyoya announced wearing his usual annoying smirk.

"Ehh~?" The twins asked with both wearing a pout.

I looked towards Tamaki he looked to just sigh in defeat with a smile. My eyes then narrowed at our senpai's seeing that they didn't really mind at all.

Haruhi and I however..

Didn't quite appreciate being tricked

At. All.

~~.  .~~

But I guess we just accepted defeat in the end, since we now know from this past few months of experience, of being a host of this annoying Host Club. That these guys won't take no for an answer, because you know what? They're really hardheaded with stuff that somehow wants us involved.

I sighed once more. I looked at the beautiful ocean in front of us, allowing me to admire it in a few seconds, before I finally stood up from the blanket that Haruhi and I placed.

Haruhi's head looked up towards me with a raised brow.

"Where are you going?" She asked, clearly confused to why I suddenly stood up.

"Just gonna take a quick swim," I honestly told her.

I then went under the sun, stretching my arms up and swaying each of my hips to the side in sync with my hands, before giving my legs a stretch as well.

"Have fun," Haruhi said with her usual charming and cute smile, making me smile back and ruffled her hair a little.

I saw her guests' from behind her, comming over with shy looks.

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