52| Daily Life of the Fujioka Family (Part 2)

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Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. What the fuck do I do? Should I barricade the door? I peeked at the Host Club members once more with a nervous look. I quickly ducked on instinct when I saw Honey-senpai and the twins scanning the Condominium.

W-Wait don't worry (M/N) they're probably not here for me and Haruhi right..? I tried to convinced myself with a nod and a smile.


I sighed in defeat.

Who the hell am I kidding? These guys won't hesitate to kidnap me and Haruhi for whatever reason, because they're psychotic bastards with a mental health problem. I gripped some of the locks in my hair from frustration, sighing once more.

"Let me just say this: You guys can take a little peak for like three seconds, okay? Once you've seen it, then just lea-"

"Haru-chan, here's a gift. It's cake! There's a strawberry one and a chocolate one, and much more!"

"Well, okay, maybe some tea, too.."

Wait that's Haruhi's voice.! Wait are those bastards with her?! W-Wait more importantly I need to change my clothes.!! I started to panic when I heard rattling from the doorknob.

The door opened, revealing me trying to take of my clothes in front of the host's. My face slowly heat up from embarrassment, some of the host seemed like their faces were turning red. I quickly pulled my oversized sweater back down with a nervous smile.

"Oh you finally wore some clothes, I thought that you would for sure forgot," Haruhi said from the silence with an unamused look.

"P-Please~~ y-you have no trust in me at all sis.." I said trying to play it cool despite the embarrassment still lingering on my probably red face.

"Wow (N/N)-chan and Haru-chan's casual clothes are so cute!" Honey-senpai says while I heard Mori-senpai hummed in an agreement manner, their compliment made my face heat up once more this time from shyness.

"A 2K unit of a wooden building, this is pretty much it for a commoner family of three, I guess." Kyoya suddenly comments, making me look towards him, but he seems to avoid eye contanct with me.

(Note: 2K designates a unit with 2 rooms and a kitchen.)

"Yeah, and with Haruhi's height, this low ceiling isn't really a problem, either." Hikaru adds with a bored look. I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not. I said my flustered state slowly subsiding.

"What a cute looking room!" Honey-senpai says with his usual bright smile.

"It's okay; you don't have to push yourselves to praise it," Haruhi says with an annoyed look, but still smiled. She then went in the house with the groceries in hand. I quickly went to get that from her and put them on the fridge.

"Huh? Haru-chan, we have to take off our shoes?" Honey-senpai asks, he was probably confused why Haruhi took of her sandals.

"Ah, Yes, please. If you don't mind." She responded and went to our kitchen to prepare tea.

"Wow, we take off our shoes to go in. This place is like a dojo!" I smiled at his way of thinking.

"Yeah," I heard Mori-senpai says.

"Then give us some slippers." Hikaru asks, I was trying not to throw the cabbage at how demanding his voice was.

"Ah, I see tatami mats already." Kaoru says towards Hikaru I'm assuming.

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