45| Flustered

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Thank you so much for sooo soo much reads and votes along with so many supportive and funny comments from you guys! I'm sorry that I'm late again on the update, but some please remember that I also have a personal life,(just took a break to get all the stuff that's been happening with my family and relatives) But once again, like always, I hope you enjoy this chapter!^^

A few weeks past and we're already done with Second semester, Today I was planning on spending a little study time with Haruhi, and maybe go and play around the arcade after, to give her and myself a break from the tiring Host Club. But since I have the GREATEST LUCK IN THE WHOLE WORLD, The Host Club decided that today of all times when Haruhi and I are finally free, they concluded without our consent that we all should go to the beach. See? I'm sooo Lucky..

"The beach?" Haruhi asked the twins with a raised brow.

I sighed in annoyance for another ruined day for my sister and I..

"Yes, the beach!" The twins replied with both wearing excited big grins. Going towards our table. Haruhi waws already preparing for Third Semester even thought I told her that should really have a break, worried that she might overstudy herself.

"The beach.." Haruhi mumbled as she stared blankly, as if she was trying to remember what the twins were saying.

"You said so before, didn't you?" Hikaru asked as he leaned to peek at what Haruhi was doing, still looking quite excited, "You wouldn't mind going to a real beach." Kaoru finished also leaning on a chair, but my chair this time as I closed the book to let out a tired and dissapointed sigh while the thought of my and my little sister might never get a break because of the Hosts.

"Did I say that?" Haruhi asked, looking genuinely confused, seeming like she didn't said those things at all.

The twins frowned then pouted after.

"Yes, you did. And so..." They both trailed off as they back off to pull both curtains in the middle of the room, revealing enormous amount of mens and womens swimsuits. "..we've prepared some simsuits for you and (M/N)-senpai!" They finished with both wearing mischivous grins. Oh my god... I burried my face to my hands with a groan, remembering the 'swimsuit incident' at the water park.

"Isn't this cute?" I heard Hikaru say, he probably picked a swimsuit to show Haruhi.

"I think.." I heard Honey-senpai voice in, making me peek to see what he was doing, seeing that he was patting on tow cute pairs of swimsuit, one for womens and one for mens. "..that this would look good on Haru-chan and (N/N)-chan! So they would match!" Honey-senpai happily suggested with his signature adorable smile. I couldn't help but smile at his child-like-demeanor.

Oh, if only that incident didn't happen... maybe I could still face swimsuits the same... I thought to myself, shivering at remembering the embarrassing memory once more.

"Tsk. tsk. tsk," The twins sounded like they were scolding Honey-senpai.

"You don't get it, huh, Honey-senpai?" The twins asked as I fully tried to erase the emberrassing memory from my thought, by trying to listen to the twins. They went and grabbed Haruhi, by the arm like some kind of arrest which made me glare at them for laying a hand on Haruhi, making them instantly let go, but pointed at her uniform.

"Just wearing this uniform helps to gloss over the fact, that she's as flat as a cutting board." Hikaru stated, striking a nerve in me.

"A one-piece type suit like that would only invite tears, by making it obvious how utterly poor her figure is." Kaoru added, making me grip my hands from irritation.

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