22| Panic

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Guys, cut my fingers once more... and sorry if this'll be a short-ish and a little angst chap, maybe I'm just not in the right mood that's why it's like that, but I do hope that y'all would still vote for this chapter. Thank you for reading this Ill leave to bandaid my fingers now and head to my appointment (TTvTT)....

|Haruhi's POV

Standing in the corner watching everyone dance was what I was doing before and was asked to dance with Kasugazaki-san, but got forcibly dragged here by Honey-senpai, like literally he just dashed and took me away before I could even take Kasugazaki to the dance floor. Honey-senpai went to an abrupt stop, I almost flipped and fall forward, but the twins caught me before my face falls flat on the floor.

"They're here," I heard Kaoru's voice pop up.

The twins helped me up to my feet. I dusted clothes off a bit before saying, "You didn't have to be so high-handed.." I said and slowly massaged the arm that Honey-senpai pulled earlier to drag me here with his demonic speed, "Like seriously, I thought my arm was going to fall off, Honey-senpai." I said turning to Honey-senpai, he frowned apologetically.

"Sorry, Haru-chan.." He said, sincerly.

Before I could even say something again to reply on Honey-senpai's apology, an item was shoved to me, "Never mind that, just get changed." I heard Hikaru saying this. After that a push from behind made me stumble forward into the curtain where the changing room is.

I sighed in defeat. Then looked at what Hikaru gave me. It was a simple pink dress with a rose broach on one of the lace band of the dress and another rose at it's bottom left with a ribbon that's colored in a brighter pink, which gave it a nice calming touch. I looked inside more seeing a wig that's colored matches with my natural hair color.

"Having an "accident" happen right at the end would be more thrilling." I heard Kyoya-senpai from outside. "Remember Haruhi, your time limit is 20 minutes to the party climax.." I started to put on the dress, "We've already called Suzushima to the adjoining classroom." After putting it on I looked at the mirror, checking if The dress was crooked or not, after assuring that it was okay, I put on my wig then came out.

I saw The twins, Kyoya-senpai and Honey-senpai gave me a approving nod.

The twins rushed me to seat and told me to close my eyes so they can put on my make up for me.

While the twins were doing my make up I heard Honey-senpai's voice pop up telling me what I should do, "Gracefully ask him what his feelings are, okay?" He told me, and I took note of it in my head.

"Although, since this is his highnesss's strategy, there's something unsettling about it." The twins said, in a monotone voivce, like something like this happened before, making me sweat drop.

The twins finished my make up and told me it was done, I blinked a couple of times to adjust my eyes to the bright lighted room again.

We heard the doors creaked open,

"Hey! What's the big idea, having everyone in here?" He asked, "Actually Mori-senpai and (M/N)-senpai are still there," Hikaru said, I looked to my sides and what he said was true.

So that's why I felt like they're not here. I thought to myself. I sighed.

"Who's looking after our guests-!!" Tamaki-senpai cut himself off when I turned to look at him.

"What do you think, sir?" The twins asked, already smirking mischievously and are already behind him.

I put on my poker face as I try to walk out the door with the shoes that Kaoru gave me.

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