48| St. Lobelia Girl's Academy

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Hi!!, it's been a few days but here's an update! I'll be trying to update as much as I can since it's finally a vacay~ from school! Hope y'all enjoy! ^^

| Haruhi's POV

"Huh? So afternoon classes are cancelled today?" I asked wearing a confused look.

"My, you didn't know? The school is holding a  campus-wide exhibition even for the cultural clubs these next two days." Momoka explained with a kind smile.

"Ah! We also invite thespian groups choirs from other schools, so it's a big annual event." Kimiko added with a cheerful tone, pointing her index finger up like a teacher would point out an idea.

"I see.." I said, understanding their given information.

"What?! You've never drunk it before?"  The twins asked loudly from behind us, making us look over our shoulder to them to see what their talking about.

"It's like the favorite drink for everyone in the host host club right now.." Hikaru said as he leant his weigh on his desk.

"..So as the manager, you have to drink it too." Kaoru said with crossed arms, wearing a frown as he gave a small raise of his brow to Renge.

"I-I know what instant coffee is.." Renge looked to be struggling to convinced the twins for her to not drink the coffee. "Ah, It's that right? You know, the ones you start all the way from planting the beans-" She started but was quickly cut off by the twins.


Their arms were forming an 'X' like they were telling her she was wrong.

"It's completely different, There's not a single trace of beans in instant coffee. You just boil the powder with hot water.. and drink it like that, truly an amazing creation" Hikaru explained while Kaoru nodded in agreement.

"Because even though it's coffee, it's not strong at all.. But you get addicted to it for some reason.." Kaoru added.

I smiled blankly at Hikaru and Kaoru's proud look as they rant on about how instant coffee is completely different from what Renge explained.

When did they even start paying attention to this?

"Oh yeah, we ran out of instant coffee supply in the club.." At this, I turn to the girls again as if wanting to escape the twins, but was too late. The two put each of their hands on both of my shoulders. Stopping me from going anywhere.

"Haruhi, go buy some." The twins said with identical grins.

I slumpt forward with a tired look.

"Why did it end up like that?" I asked, feeling a vein pop up from annoyance as they started to massage and fix my uniform.

"Because you and (M/N)-senpai are the only ones that would know where they sell it." Hikaru starts to say as they put me on my chair, combing my hair and shining my shoes for me, but these actions from them made me even more irritated.

"We've even offered it to our guests lately. It's part of your job, your job!" Kaoru chanted. Then they started to pull me up from the chair and then gently pushed me towards the door.

"But there's a cultural exhibition going on later, no?" I asked with a twitching smile, as they started wave their hands in a farewell manner. "Its not a mandatory event, you don't have to go if you're not interested. So have a safe trip!" The twins both said in sync, rushing away with mischivous smiles.

I leaned on the wall with a gloomy expression of defeat.

"Damn... rich bastards..." I muttered with a twitching eye.

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