40| You're Such A Brat

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Get your daily dose of fluff in this chapter~! Enjoy~! (^-^)

|(M/N)'s POV

"So our formation is now pretty much perfect. I wonder, will we find more types?" Kyoya asked not really asking anyone in particular.

"Age wise, it'd be the shota type..." Hikaru starts, but stopped to think about it. "But then he'll overlap with Honey-senpai," Kaoru comments, making Hikaru hum and nod in agreement. This statement from them however made Honey-senpai slowly cry dramatically.

"Am I a nuisance already?" He asked crying as he hugged his toy bunny. Before I could try to cheer him up a loud voice cut me off.

"Not good enough! Not good enough, I say!" I heard a sudden high-power motor like machine start, as the club room's floor opened and Renge popped out from it like some back staged concert.

"I didn't know you host club memebers were this poor in analyzing characters." Renge bluntly said. As she eyed everyone of us. "I'm quite disappointed," She added more as she shook her head in disappointment.

"Well then, Renge-kun, how would you bring out his qualities? Honey-senpai already owns the shota type department." Tamaki asked looking a little offended by what Renge had said.

"And that's where you're not good enough!" She stated angrily, as she points at all of us, "Listen to me!" She starts with a stern look. While it's true that we call girls... who experience an unexplainable throbbing at the sight of younger boys and babyfaces... "Shotacon" lovers, this kind of categorization is rather sloppy, and different preferences require even more delicate categorising." She paused as she looked at us if we were listening, which we were, well I was half listening, I couldn't really concentrate with Kyoya's arm still on my shoulder, like when is he going to let me go?!

"Yes, while Haninozuka-senpai is of the more royal road, "loli-shota" type, in his case, the direction he should aim for..."  She paused once more as she looked at Shirou with a smirk, pointing her finger at him. "..has to be that of the Naughty type!" She declared with confidence.

"Naughty type..." I heard Shirou mumble to himself. As the cage suddenly was lifted up and Renge went down from her stage going to inspect Shirou with a whistle that she pulled out from her pocket.

"The basics to being a Naughty type... is that you must always wear half-trousers, Okay." She starts. She blew on her whistle before continuing, "You must show your Naughtiness with injuries on your knees and cheeks." Renge points, Kaoru and Hikaru were already on it when they started to put some band aids and face scars on Shirou. After that Renge blew her whistle once more before ordering, "Run in a Naughty way! Run recklessly!" And Shirou followed even thought he looked really unsure and confused. I was slowly getting worried at where this is going. Renge blew her whistle again, "And make a spectacular fall there!" She commanded, Hikaru and Kaoru pulled a rope, making Shirou trip, this made me even more worried as I stepped a little forward from concern if he was alright, because my big brother insticts is kicking in.

"Are you okay little boy?" Renge asked concernly, before blowing her whistle one final time, "Okay, and promptly say your line!" Renge ordered. Shirou slowly raised his head as he wipe his sweat from his cheek away, "No, it's nothing" He said, thought I could see that he really got hurt, from the way he gripped his other hand in the ground.

Renge admired her work of Shirou, by putting her hands to her cheek with a grin, "Perfect! It's perfect!" She states. I could hear Tamaki clap slowly in the background. "How wonderful! Your instructions are flawless, Renge-kun!" Tamaki said and Renge laughed to herself. I just ignored them pulling away from Kyoya's resting hand on my shoulder, going in front of Shirou with a concerned look.

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