28| Flower Crown

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| Third Person's POV

As the marooned hair male fell asleep, the little blonde girl looked at him curiously from behind the tree, close to were he was sleeping. The little girl slowly walked towards the sleeping male and stared at the male's figure. She slowly tilt her hair and observed the sleeping male's features; maroon hair, pale and fair skin, long eyelashes, handsome yet also beautiful at the same time. He was wearing a light purple colored yukata, with a white one under.

He's beautiful like nii-chan's portrait.. I wonder if he's nice.. The little girl thought as she continued to look at the male, curiously.

Suddenly (M/N) shifted a little in his sleep, because of the anxios feeling of being watched. The little blonde girl quickly scattered to hide behind the tree once more, but still continued to peer and look at the male who slowly steered to wake up. (M/N)'s eyes were slightly squinting when he opened them because of the sun's rays, making them slightly scary, like he was glaring. After a while he blinked a few times and laid back down with a blank expression like he was lost in his thoughts.

The little girl went to him again this time with a cute curious smile on her face, She walked towards where (M/N)'s head was laying and stopping just a few centimeters away, she bent her body in a 90⁰ angle with her hands on her hips.

"What are you staring at?" The little blonde girl asked, curiously. The sound of her voice snapped (M/N) back to reality with a surprised and shocked expression, because there was little girl suddenly facing him.

Why's there a little girl, near the high school building?? He thought to himself.

The little girl then went and sat on the ground above the male's head, still looking at (M/N) curiously. (M/N) slowly got up from the ground and sat up straight to face the little blonde girl that was also sitting, just across him. (M/N) rubbed his nape and slowly looked at the little girl, "Um, What are you doing here?" He asked. She looked at him with her bright blue eyes, blinking them then she pouted and crossed her arms. "Hey! I asked you a question first!" She said, still pouting. (M/N) couldn't help but chuckle, at her cute remarks. Making him more a little at ease, but still asks why there's a little girl out here.

"Well if I answer your earlier question will you answer mine?" (M/N) asks.

"Aren't you already asking me a question?" She asks back, pointing it out for the older, making him chuckle again because of the facts that this little girl was saying.

"I guess you're right, then I'll just answer your questions and I'll ask you some question for you to answer after," He says as he leans back to the ground with his hands as supports.

The little girl smiled and nodded her head in agreement while saying, "Okay!" as she smiled brightly, infecting the maroon-haired male to smile back at the little blonde.

"So what were you staring at?" The little girl asks her earlier question once more. The older male laughs softly before answering, "Just the sky."

"What were you doing here?" She asks, curiously again, playing with some flowers that was close to where she was seating. "To take a little nap," The male says honestly and laughed a little after saying that. "Why?" She asks again. "Well I was tired so I took a quick nap here, because it's peaceful," (M/N) says as he picked a few flowers, slowly twisting them together, remembering the familiar feeling, making a little flower ring. The little girl seemed to be interested, because the maroon-haired male took notice of how she looked amazed at his work with sparkles inside her blue orbs.

(M/N) chuckles, putting the little flower ring he made down beside him, "Want me to make you a flower crown?" He asks, making the little girl almost nod instantly from happiness and excitement. He chuckled again before picking some different kinds of available flowers around them, once he got them he slowly and elegantly start to make the flower crown's base, with a few thin vines he saw with a few wild flowers. The little girl watch in awe, as (M/N) started to put some flowers around the vine. He repeated did these steps until it slowly took shape of a real flower crown. When he was almost done he stopped a bit to see the little girl trying to copy his flower ring earlier that was still beside him, making him smile then continued to put on the finishing touches on the flower crown.

After a few minutes (M/N) was done and so was the little girl with her flower ring thought she tried to hide if behind her back to surprise (M/N) with her work, even thought the male already knew he just smiled and didn't say a word.

"Want me to put it on for you?" He asks with a soft smile, making the little girl smiled brightly with sparkles in her eyes, she nodded repeatedly. (M/N) chuckled then he started to gently put his work on top of her head, fitting her head perfectly. After doing that the little girl grabbed the hidden flower ring behind her and showed it to (M/N).

"Look! I made one too! For you!" She happily says as she giggled, proudly showing her work. It wasn't as perfectly looking as (M/N)'s flower crown or as clean as his flower ring, but it didn't mattered to the boy, because he smiled brightly at her while saying,

"It's really beautiful," he said.

The little felt even more proud at the praise she recieved and carefully tried to put the flower ring on (M/N)'s right finger, but she frowned and looked like she was going to tear up when she just noticed that it wasn't big enough to fit (M/N)'s ring finger. The male quickly noticed and panicked a little, but quickly regained his composure when he thought of an idea.

"Why don't we do this.." (M/N) says as he went to get his flower ring and took out a few vines and  twisted it a few more to be a little smaller. The little girl looked at him confused at what he was doing with a single tear hanging in one of her eyes.

(M/N) grabbed the little girl's hand and gently slid the ring flower he made on her pinky. The little girl seemed to have get what he was implying and slowly put her flower ring on one of (M/N)'s pinky's. She smiled instantly when it fit perfectly, she looked at to the male smile a bright smile, him returning it with a gentle smile.

"Thank you for the flower crown and flower rings! Oh, right! What's you're name Mr.?" She asks, now looking a little more comfortable, because of (M/N)'s gentle eyes and smile, unlike what she saw before, when she first saw him wake up from slumber.

"(M/N)." He said softly, The little girl looked at him with her curious blue oceanic eyes with a big smile, "Your name is really pretty, (M/N)-sama!" She happily said, (M/N) blushed a little at the cute compliment, but quickly got back to normal ones he realized what the little girl just called him.

"I'm not that honorable to be addressed as 'sama'.." (M/N) says shyly with a sheepish smile.

The little girl blinked a few times before saying her reasons, "But you look just like a prince from a book I saw!" She says with sparkles on her eyes, making the maroon-haired male chuckle. "Well, even so--" I was cut off when we heard the bell rung out.

"Oh, lunch time is over," The little girl says with a little frown. (M/N) smiled a little to her as he slowly stand up, then bent down a little to her level, "Don't worry, We'll probably meet again." (M/N) says as he patted her head gently, his big brother smile showing, the little girl blushed a little and continued to look at the male with her big blue eyes.

"Promise?" She asks, with hopeful eyes and her usual smile.

"Promise." (M/N) says as he held out his pinky where the little girl's flower ring was. The little girl smiled once more and intertwined her own pinky that had her flower ring on with (M/N)'s.

Before the little girl could fully walk off she stopped, making (M/N) look at her confused. Thinking, Why'd she stopped? he thought to himself as he watch the little blonde turn to him again with her usual bright smile.

"I forgot to tell you! My name's Kirimi!" She yelled out, enough for the maroon-haired male to hear. He smiled at her cute behavior and watched her walk off towards the elementary buildings of ouran.

haha, That's (M/N)'s soft big brother side~ Hope y'all enjoyed the cute fluff! Thank you so much for so much reads and votes for this book of mine, haha. I really hope to see you guys again on the next Update!^^

WC: 1593

I hope y'all are having a nice day! Always stay safe and ILY all~! mua~!


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