16.5| Side Chapter!| PAST

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I AM FÛCKING SORRY EVERYONE! I HAVE A REALLY TIGHT SCHEDULE! Y'all don't even.. need to vote, because I deserve it for not updating in a while... *Crawls on the floor, while tears fall, that says I didn't mean that. Please vote pleading eyes*

"Please.. enjoy.... "_:('ཀ'」 ∠): *Faints to sleep*


I yawed to myself covering my mouth while I did it. My attention was then caused when I saw a glimpse of a familiar beautiful brown hair that flows beautifully by the wind. It was my Sister, Haruhi.

Where is she going? I thought, as I watched her walk down the halls of the other building that was facing ours. Hm? My eyes went to the boy that was following behind her, Arai-kun? I thought to myself again. Continuing to watch them.

Maybe getting called out by their advisor..? Hmm nah, can't be.. Oh.! They made a left turn.. wait, why are they climbing the stairs to our building.??

"..oka... jioka... Mr. Fujioka!" I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my surname getting called out, "Y-Yes.?!" I asked Standing up unconsciously as I accidentally tipped over my chair behind me, being startled as I whipped my head to the direction of our Math teacher wearing a nervous expression. My classmates chuckles at my clumsiness, making me turn towards them with a slightly embarrassed expression as I clenched my hands into fists. Wishing I was just out of this place. "W-What..?" but then they suddenly stopped and went completely silent, after I asked.

"The principal just informed me that you must go to his office." My teacher informed me.

"O-Oh! Um, like right now..?" I asked trying to be sure. I see him sighed as he roles his eyes, "Yes, Mr. Fujioka. Right now." He confirmed, with a tired look. I gave an apologetic smile and excused myself to the back door, walking to the empty hallway.

Why does the principal want to see me.? I didn't get in troubled ones, well I guess I did after that last incident.. But I know didn't do anything after that.! Right..? I thought to myself, completely confused. I just tiredly sigh out loud in defeat.

When I turned a right to where the stairs would be I bumped into someone, making the one I bumped into stumble back towards down the stairs, I quickly reacted from my reflexes and grabbed onto the person's shirt, he was surprisingly light.

"(M-M/N)-senpai..?" I looked up to see who owned the familiar voice, and saw that it was Arai-kun. We stared into each other's eyes until we heard a voice, "Where was nii-chan's classroom again..?" It was Haruhi, his eyes suddenly widened and his face slowly turning red.

Ah, shit I know where this is going. I thought.

"AH! S-S-Sorry!!!" He cried out as he suddenly pushed me away, as he was going to fall down the stairs again, I grit my teeth as I grabbed one of his hand and this time, I pulled him close to me before he could really fell backwards again.

"Hm? Nii-chan? Oh, And Arai-kun." "A-A-Ah.. S-Senpai..!" He stammers. I could see his face completely red like a tomato. I sighed. "Arai-kun.." I said and he flinched, and then slowly looked up to me, "Are you an idiot?" I asked, with a look that says, Whatthefuckwhereyouthinking.DoyouwanadiethatbadlyjustbecauseHaruhiwasaroundthecorner?.

"S-SUMIMASEN!!!" He screeched as small tears escaped from both the edges of his eyes.

"I'm not mad, but don't do that again alright? You might get hurt if you fall backwards for real." I said gently pushing him back to the side, to not let what had happened for the second time happen once more. "Alright?" I said as smile and then rub his hair in a playful big brother like way, like what I do to Haruhi. "O-Okay.. senpai.." he said as he smile back with a light blush plastered on his cheeks, he was probably still not over about Haruhi...


Right! Haruhi.!

I slowly closen my face to Arai-kun, making him lightly jump frommy sudden movement, but I grabbed onto his shoulder to make him still for a moment. "Haruhi's still here, you going to be okay?" I asked with a light concern smile after pulling myself back to look onto his face. He slowly processed my words with a blanked look then his face slowly turned red. Making my chuckled lightly. But that didn't helped him any less, for he looked like there were smoke coming out of his ears.

"Um.." I heard a familiar voice called out, it was coming from the strairs just below us. "Am I interrupting something..?" Haruhi asked in confuse tone, making me and Arai-kun snapped out and just bluntedly yell, "It's not what it looked like!!" in sync.

The two of us looked at each other for a moment, I could see him loudly blushing, with his mouth in a weird embarassed kind of look. We both looked away to our opposite sides, I lightly blushed from yelling that loudly. The classroom near in this stairway probably heard us.

"Okay.?" Haruhi said in a confused tone of voice, as she looked cutely puzzled.

I glanced toward Arai-kun and he looked like he just want to burry himself in a hole. I then looked towards my little sister. I sighed out loud.

Oh dear sweet Haruhi.. If only you knew that Arai-kun has liked you since you were in 6th grade...Hmm.. Well if he does confess to you, I just hope that you won't reject Arai-kun in a harsh kind of way. I thought to myelf.

"Um, nii-chan we were told by our advicer that you should go to the principal's office with me." She informed me.

"Oh, I was just told by my teacher to also go there, Ah. But wait," I said pausing, making the two turn to me from my sudden pause. "Why did you say that only 'with me'? And not 'with us'? Aren't the two of you here together to get me?" I asked as I pointed at each of them both.

"O-Oh, that? Actually senpai, the teacher just asked me to come with Haruhi since she's worried that it was something urgent. Because the principal directly told our advicer to tell us that Haruhi should go to his office with you senpai." Arai-kun explained. "Yup, it's just like what Arai-kun said nii-chan," Haruhi said already behind Arai-kun, making him jolt and blush unconsciously.

"Well Alright.. Let's go then." I said chuckling lightly at Arai-kun's blushing face and Haruhi's dull and dense-cute-looking face. As I put both my arms around their shoulders with a warm smile.

Guy's I'm very sorry about not freaking updating, I still have soooooo many things to do, and my schedule is really thigh right now, so I can only post this... I'm really sorry... I hope I can finish my modules for another rushed update chapter like this one. 。゚(゚`゚)゚。

WC: 1188

Have.. A.. nice.. day.. everyone.! '-'.oO
*Collapse sleep of pillow in 2am..*


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