56| Sweet Tooth's ache

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Everyone I skipped 1/3 of the episode, I hope ya'll don't mind it, but if you do mind, I don't care. lol. Sorry, I didn't mean that. Here please, have some of the readers cringe angst lmao.

The Nekozawa siblings problem went well and honestly I was happy for them, seeing Kirirmi with a big smile along with Nekozawa-san... they looked like they haven't smiled that brightly for a long time and it made me happy that we managed to help them even if it was just a bit of a push.

And it was the end of the day, which means that Haruhi and I can finally escape the Host Club's shenanigans!

While we were walking down to the direction of our street. I heard Haruhi clear her throat, making me look towards her with a raised brow.

"Do you like Mori-senpai?" She straightly asked wearing a curious look.

I felt my face slowly heating up.

"T-That's.." I looked away shaking my head 'no' with an obvious blush spreading to my ears.

"Right," She said with a knowing look, making me roll my eyes. Sticking my bottom lip out.

"You better not make this a thing..." I grumbled.

"I can't promise anything." She replied with a knowing smirk. I sighed and rubbed my temples.

As we were walking and giving dumb remarks about each others lives, I suddenly saw a glimps of familiar brunet hair. Just as I turned with wide eyes the person dissapeared leaving the familiar empty park to greet me. I was going to turn to Haruhi again, but a blurry voice was calling for me at the back of my head.

I grabbed my forhead suddenly feeling dizzy.

The familiar yet unfamiliar voice still calling for me...

~Flash back to 1 year ago~
(M/N) Fujioka, Age= (15)

I looked at my surrounding, It was a blurry mess.

I rubbed my aching head with a soft groan escaping.


Is someone calling me?

The annoying ringing of white noise started.



Out of no where my vision turned back to normal, the white noise leaving my ears be.

"Sweet tooth!" A voice called out, their tone was filled with happiness.

I looked over my shoulder and saw those familiar brunet locks.

"Dude, are you deaf of something? I've been calling you for ages!" He joked, jogging to my direction with his familiar and annoyingly cute goofy grin.

"What do you want?" I asked with a tired sigh, but couldn't help but smile when he sat beside me on the bench.

"Well~... You know this last school dance we have next week?" He asked, leaning onto my side while nudging me in a playful manner.

"What about it?" I asked with a bored look, but I was clearly interested at this. I mean, I've been his date every year as his 'homie' he says.. Though why does he look happy and excited right now? Is he taken for the dance? Will he ditch me for his date? The negative thoughts made my heart clench and I forced myself to look away and stare at the passing middle schoolers.

"Well, I still don't have a date, but.." His pause made me nervous.

"But?" I asked unconciously turning to him, my eyes widened as soon as I turned he was inches away from literally kissing me.

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