02| First Impression to the Class

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I was in front of my classroom door. I was standing there a full minute. My heart was beating really fast and my feet were getting cold under my shoes. I was nervous.... okay scratch that, REALLY Nervous. I slapped my cheeks with both my hands.

Come on! You can do it! Just walk in and introduce yourself then it's Done! I said to myself in my head.

I took a deep breath then slowly turned the golden knob, opening the door to the classroom. As soon as it opened All eyes were quickly on me. I stopped in front of the classroom, The teacher looked at me with a puzzled look, he looked at the schedule paper that was still in my hand, he quickly realized who I was.

"Oh, ah right." He adjusted his galsses before continuing, "Class, This is the new student. Will you please introduce yourself?" He said and I flinched a bit when he called for me.

I slowly looked at him and smiled nervously, but my eyes said otherwise, "Of Course.."

The teacher flinched at me, I can see he was frightened. Why? Why Now!? I said in my head, shaking because of it. I became a bit panicked, making my eyes twitched. "Is there a problem?" I asked. the teacher flinched again, Shaking his head nervously "N-N-No!" He stuttered out. Half of the class were also scared, but half were also excited?

( A/N: His eyes twitches 'like those anime guys that are annoyed' when he panics. )

I turned to my classmates making them slightly jump from their seats. They were staring at me, some with forming beads of sweat on their foreheads. I stared them down gazing around the classroom, W-Whoa.. some looks like their a h-half-half... what's the word f-for 'mix' again.? Ah! Got it! "U-Uh-Huh..? What are you all staring at.. mongrels?" I said smiling nervously. Almost the whole class looked frightened.

"I'm (M/N) Fujioka. I hope we can get along.." I said in a low voice with a combination of my usual gentle smile. I saw a girl getting a bit of a nosebleed, she was in front of me. I slowly stepped forward to her a bit, looking down at her. "Heh... Are you all okay.?" I smiled as my eye twitches. She stared, blushing and then quickly shook her head, "I-I-I'm FINE!"

"U-Uh, M-Mr. Fujioka d-do want to answer any questions?" The teacher stutters as he calls for me.

I slowly looked at the class again and gave my usual nervous smile again, "Heh..? Questions.? Does anybody wants to question Me..?" I asked, Tilting my head slightly. After a minute no one answered, so I looked to the teacher again, I was now smiling my giddy smile, because I didn't get to stay in front of the classroom, where my soul will probably leave me. "Seems like no one wants to~" I happily said, in a sing-song voice. Which I didn't know sent shivers down to the teachers' and some of my classmates' spine.

"O-Okay then. Y-You can seat beside Mr. Suoh. Mr. Suoh, please raise your hand." My Natural scary eyes followed the the teachers gaze to a blonde boy next to him to his left was a black-raven haired boy wearing glasses and on his right an empty seat for me. I walked towards the blonde he looked at me with a pure smile and excited eyes, I smiled back down at him, he sweated a bit but still smiled anyways.

I sat down and got out a notebook and a pen then the lesson started.

~Le Time Skip~

The bell rang, signaling the class to have lunch. I was about to stand up from my seat and was going to exit the classroom, when the blonde boy suddenly called out for me, "Mr. Fujioka!" He said standing in front of my desk with the tall raven haired boy beside him. "Yes?" I asked. He was wearing a really big grin on his face and looked somewhat excited, "Mr. Fujioka Have you decided on joining any club?" He asked, still smiling. I gave him a puzzled look, "No..?" I answered, but it sounded like a question. His eyes quickly sparkled with excitement, "Then Please Join The Host Club!" He said, excitedly holding both my hands. I stared at him for a minute, getting a bit nervous at where this is going. My eyes twitch because of it, "Huh..?" I asked, I was clearly confused my eyes were just disagreeing. He flinched and quickly went behind the raven.

"Hm, what an interesting character." The raven said smirking at me as he adjusted his glasses. My gaze went to him raising a brow, "What did you say?" "EEEEEP!!" The blonde was now completely hiding behind the raven. "Oh, Pardon my rudeness. I just thought you have a very interesting way of communicating." He said, still smirking at me then he suddenly pulled out a black notebook and a pen from his bag then started to write in it, exposing the once hiding blonde behind him.

It was an awkward silence, So I decided to just leave the two boys and went out the classroom to find my sister.


"Oh! There you are Haruhi!" I said waving my hand across the hallway where there was no one there. "Ah.. Onii-chan.." She said looking at me closing the schools library door. I went to her, hands on my knees panting a bit. "Are you Okay?" She asked, I nodded my head after taking a few breaths. "What are you doing here? Did you eat yet?" I asked with a small smile plastered in my face. She sighed. "I was looking for a quiet place to study, but all the libraries have noisy peoples in them. And Yeah, I ate already." She said. "Oh, Let's look together then, I need to catch up to some lectures too!" I said, gently smiling down at her. She hummed and nodded in response. We both walked together to find a quiet room to study at. What can I say? Like Sister Like brother.


WC: 1038

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