03| The Host Clubs Dogs?!

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"There are like four libraries.. But why is it noisy everywhere?" Haruhi asked herself sighing.

"Yeah, I know. Let's keep looking," I suggested then opened my bag to pull out a paper.

"What's that?" She asked. I opened the paper, revealing the map of the school. "Map of the school." She hummed and peeked at it.

"Let me see, nii-chan." She said and I did as told.

"hm... Oh, Look there's an abandoned music room, want to check it out?" She asked smiling as she pointed where it was in the map.

"Yeah sure," I said. And we started to walk our way to direction of where the abandoned music room is.

The walk to the giant pink halls were silent, but it was peaceful and comfortable to the two of us.

"Hey nii-chan..." Haruhi called out to me as she stops' to look outside the giant window, we can see a couple of white doves were flying outside. "Yeah?" I asked, stopping beside her to look outside the amazing view. "...It's been ten years since then, right?" She said staring at the clouds outside. I looked at Haruhi. My eyes softened and I smiled gently glancing back outside the window, "Yup.." She smiled a bit then started to walk again and I did the same.

"Do you think Mom's doing okay?" She asked again as she looked at the map, there was no noise coming from anywhere, it was silent and peaceful yet again. I looked down to her then looked up again, "I'm sure she's doing fine." I replied softly and she hummed in response smiling.


We both stopped in front of a what looks like an abandoned room.

"Here it is," She said we looked up to the sign of the door, "Music room three."

"Yup," I looked at the giant doors in front of us, "Why are the doors' so big?? Are there titans in this school?" I asked not believing the believable truth.

"Hm, Guess this is the only place we can study quietly." She said ignoring my earlier questions. She turned the golden knob, slowly pushing open the doors.

When we opened the doors, we were blinded by a bright light and... rose petals?

"Welcome." I heard a chorus of voices say. When my vision adjusted to the light, I saw 6 boys standing in front of me.

I accidentally swallowed some petals because they came later than the earlier ones. I started to choke. Haruhi patted my back trying to get the petals out, but suddenly someone in front of me gave me a glass of water to drink, I quickly drunk it swallowing the petal that was stuck on my throat. I silently gasped for air after drinking the water. I gave the now empty glass to the one who gave it to me.

"T-Thank you..." I said coughing a bit, as I slowly straighten myself. "You're welcome, (M/N)!" A familiar voice replied. I slowly looked up to see the blonde boy from my class again.

"Nii-chan are you okay?" I looked at Haruhi and I smiled at her. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks to..." I paused and looked at the blonde boy in front of us. He smiled and remembered that he didn't get to introduce himself earlier to me. "Tamaki!" He answered for me, "I'm glad you changed your mind and decided to Join!" He continued smiling happily.

I started to sweat a bit.

"O-Oh, Um I-I'm not really here to join the Host club.." I slowly ran my hand nervously through my hair.

"Eh?" Tamaki looked at me with a disappointing look, but then suddenly gave another grin.

"Ho-Ho-Host Club??" My sister asked she looked panicked. I quickly tried to calm her down, saying, "It's not what what you think!"

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