60.2|Side chapter!| Top male (Y/N)x(M/N) (Part 2)

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| (Y/N)'s POV

These past few days (M/N)-senpai has been quite bubbly, not like it's a bad thing, but I get a really bad feeling that he got back together with that annoying shit-head, (F/N)..  because lately he's so happy when he's on the phone and that shit-head haven't visited so much in the shop anymore, which suspected me that the caller that made (M/N)-senpai's so happy to talk with lately is him...

And it's making me jealous and annoyed everytime I think that, that could be the possibility.

A buzz snapped me out of it, making me put up my mask of a fake happy idiot for the day to mask off the bitter feeling in my stomach.

I went to table 13 and delivered their coffee.

"One Caramel macchiato for.." I looked at the name they told me to write, "Tetsu-kun..?" He's name literally means 'iron' and I don't know why, but I couldn't help but feel my fake smile crack as I looked at the customer with an amused smirk, raising a brow in the process.

They had a bleach hair that had some of their black roots growing out, skin slightly darker than mine with a mole on the right side of his his bottom lip and another one on the left side of his sharp nose.

"Yeah, My parents thinks that it's a lucky charm for me since they both had jobs regarding making ironed items," He said as he took the drink off of my hand, giving back a grin.

I looked at the shop seeing that there weren't that many customers at the moment. I looked over to the counter. (M/N)-senpai seems to be talking on the phone.. again..

I decided to take a seat opposite to this guy who had a wierd but quirky name for a small break.

"Does your friends tease you about it?" I started the conversation with a loose smile too ease up my sudden intrusion of his personal space.

"Meh, not really." He casually replied, seeming not to mind my sudden company.

"I see, I bet some of them finds it adorable though," I casually complimented him as I put my hands together on the table.

"Mn.." was all he said as he sipped his drink while his ears turned slightly pink, so I probably hit a nail, making me chuckle.

"How old are you?" I asked, curious to know. I feel like he's probably younger than me by a few years considering how young he looks right now.

"Nm.. 19.." He replied between sips.

"I knew it! Haha, I'm older than you by a few years!" I smiled widely, happy to guess it right.

"How old are you?" He looked at me as he continued to sip his drink.

"(Adult Age)," I answered and he hummed as a way to say he was listening.

"You're not gonna ask me my name?" I asked as I tilted my head towards this chill customer.

"Mn.." He paused from sipping his drink and gave a small smile. "Well, I don't really come here often so I won't probably see you all the time anyway," He explained then went back to sipping his drink.

"Hmm.. You gave me your age and name, but you only asked for my age?" I asked confused.

"It was just a way to start up a simple conversation, and you knowing my name and age is not that big of a deal." He laughed at my confused look.

"That's true.. I'm (Y/N)!" I said with a big grin. I like him, he's a chill dude.

Suddenly, a slam on the table made the two of us almost jump from our seats.

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