26| Tired...

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I hope my drawing surprised y'all a bit haha, I tried using the lighting art and that's the result I had gotten. Well that's all~ Have fun reading!^^

My alarm went off and I went to inform my manager that I would be going now, she smiled while nodding and waved goodbye at me when I came to a far distance from the store. The sun was already up, My eyes were heavy and my body was tired as hell, but I didn't paid much any attention to it.

As I jogged to our apartment, and went up the stairs. Then quietly opened our door, going inside while sighing in relief when I heard that dad was still sleeping on the couch. Seeing his blanket on the ground again making me chuckle softly underneath my breath.

I went over to his blanket and picked it up again, I yawned and put his blanket over him once more, before going to my and Haruhi's room.

I took off my jacket and folded it putting it in the closet, then laid down gently in my futton to not accidentally wake up Haruhi. I kicked my blanket and messed my Futon and blanket to not make me look like I just got in. I slowly closed my heavy eyes and instantly fell asleep.


I heard a familiar muffled voice calling out to me while they tried to shake me to wake me up.

"Nii-chan.. wake up.. you need to get ready..." I heard her say, like she was whining, because I wouldn't get up.

I groaned and slowly opened my still heavy eyes, and glance to Haruhi, "What's.. the time..?" I asked my voice not that hoarsed, because I probably only slept for an hour.

"It's 6:52, so get up." She said, going out our room to the kitchen when she saw me nod tiredly.

I only slept for 52minutes..? I thought to myself then yawned, tiredly getting up to fold my blanket and futton.

I sleepily got my uniform in the drawer and went to the bathroom to change clothes. I was now buttoning my white sleeve, while I was doing it I dozed off a little, but woke myself up and quickly shook my head blinked a few times to try and stay awake. After buttoning, I pulled the outer layer of my school uniform and then went out to eat with dad and Haruhi, forgetting to tame my wild and messy bed hair.

My dad and Haruhi gave me confused looks when I got to the table, making me look to them with a tired look, turning my eyes into like an irritated-out look, "What?" I asked. Hoping to get an answer, but they just looked at each other and shrugged together with a look that says, 'maybe its nothing'. I just left that to the side and continued to eat my food sleepily, not knowing that I looked like I was glaring at my bowl of rice...

~Le Time skip~

Walking to school was the same as always, though today I couldn't help but sway a little, because I was feeling a little dizzy. And when Haruhi  finally asks if I'm alright going to school today, I just smiled at her tiredly and said, "I'm fine, really.. just a little tired because of yesterday," While trying not to yawn so much.

When we arrived at the school gates I could see blobby dots from the pink halls across the school yard, probably the students that arrived before us.

The two of us walked, me falling behind a little, unknowingly making Haruhi look at me worriedly because of this, but didn't say a word and just unconsciously checking on me every 2 minutes, over her shoulder.

I accidentally stabled upon my feet, which made me annoyed a glared down at my feet for it. I feel myself slowmotionly falling forward, wanting to not care even if I was going to hit the hard floor, because of my hazy mind. I could see from the corner of my eye that she didn't noticed me falling yet. But when I thought I was going to finally hit the ground I felt someone caught me with ease.

I blink tiredly at the ground, still unknowingly glaring. I slowly looked at the hands that held mine with support. I slowly looked up(still glaring), looking at the person who saved my fall.

"My, my.. Falling for me so early in the morning? And what's with your hair?" The blonde jokes with a small smile plastered on his face. My face scrawled at the sight of him by instinct, "UGH" I grunted, ignoring his joke and comment on my hair then glared a him a little, even thought I was unknowingly glaring before hand, making him frown a little and a little fake tear escapes his eyes, when he helped me stand up to my feet.

"Why are you always so mad at me? Don't I get at least a Thank you for saving you?" Tamaki asks, actually sounding sad. But I didn't noticed that much because of my hazy mind.

"Fine... thank you for helping.." I said quietly as possible. Tamaki smiled after that, but I couldn't see it.

"Eh? Senpai?" Haruhi asks, going to us when she finally noticed that I was not behind her.

"Oh! Haruhi's here too!" Tamaki says, going to puppy love mode and me going to Overprotective Big brother mode.

"Don't even think about it.." I darkly said as I glared daggers at him, making him shiver from fright then cried waterfalls of tears and grew mushrooms at some random corner.


Me and Tamaki went to our classroom as Haruhi went to hers with the twins when they saw us three standing at the hallway. I went to my desk and sat on my chair, tiredly yawning to myself. I could see Tamaki moping on his desk because of not being able to hang out too much with Haruhi, while Kyoya was nonstoppingly writing on his black notebook with a serious face. I looked around the classroom seeing there weren't many people yet and that the teacher wasn't here yet too.

I felt myself sweat a little bit, not knowing why, so I unconciously removed my outer layer of my uniform. I yawned to myself and slowly placed my hands on my desk then laid my head on them trying to sleep for a little bit..

Yeah.. just a little.. bit is fine... I thought before drifting off to asleep, not knowing that the teacher already arrived, but somehow didn't notice me sleeping from the back.

It's short I know QwQ, but I need to cut it here for this chapter. Hope my drawing made it a little better thought. (TTwTT)

WC: 1148

Always Stay safe everyone! Have a nice day~ mua~! 💋


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