53| Daily Life of the Fujioka Family (Part 3)

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Hey everyone, this is going to be a very long chapter, I don't wanna spoil any of you, so just go ahead and enjoy the story!^^

"Ah, my stomach's getting hungry now after I ate this cake." Honey-senpai comments. While I just looked at my half eaten chocolate slice of cake.

I usually like chocolate flavoured cakes, but for some reason I have no appetite after Mori-senpai gave his strawberries to.. Haruhi.. it's just weird no manner how I think about it. I thought to myself poking the cake with my fork. Not noticing Kyoya's curious stare.

"Oh yeah, it's past noon already." Hikaru added on.

"No lunch yet?" Then the twins and Tamaki asked for lunch after with carefee looks.

"Can you guys, like, not live such a endlessly free lifestyle?" Haruhi comments with a deadpanned expression.

"Well, we are the ones visiting out of the blue. How about we get your favorite sushi?" Kyoya asked, rummaging in his pocket, while looking straight at me for some reason.

"Eh, it's okay! I'm scared of the consequence of being treated by you, Kyoya-senpai," Haruhi tried to refuse, Kyoya looked at Haruhi for a moment before pulling out a golden card fromhis pocket.

"Don't worry; the money's coming from the winning bid on your photos." Kyoya states with a glint in his eyes.

"Then wouldn't that make Haruhi the original payer?" I asked with a small glare towards him while moving away a bit from Mori-senpai, Kyoya suddenly smirked after my remark.

"Well, you're not wrong,"

I raised my brow at him for looking a little bit too happy.

Haruhi sighed.

"Okay I know a good sushi restaurant in the neighborhood. So I'll give them a call. That place should be high-quality." Haruhi recovered quickly from the winning bid photos. But what she said in the end somehow made Tamaki look worried, he went to get a pen and paper from the shelf. I looked at him with suspicion. He then gave the paper to Haruhi. She blinked and then started to read the paper out loud.

"Sushi packs that say 'deluxe' on them are not necessarily high-quality!! be careful!"

Haruhi and I became silent after that. I stood up and went and grabbed our mini trash can and opened it for her with an unamused look. She silently crampled the paper then threw it in the can. I put the can back to where it was and clapped for Haruhi.

"I know that much... at the very least.." Haruhi says with an annoyed look towards Tamaki. Tamaki flinched and cried.

"You fool! Daddy didn't want you to make a fool of yourself.. and so that you could pretend--!!" I smacked the back of his head from annoyance, huffing with the vain visible on my neck.

"Shut the fuck up," I warned with a glare, he cried and put his hand on his swelling head with fake tears streaming down.

"I want to eat your home-made cooking, Haru-chan and (N/N)-chan!" Honey-senpai boldly said with his usual beaming smile. My anger eased a little and I sighed.

"Thats not a problem." I said, looking at Haruhi.

As if she saw my signal she responded on.

"But it'll take a while if we start now.."

Honey-senpai's smile looked even brighter.

"We'll wait!" He happily said with a cute gesture.

"That means I'll have to go to the supermarket again." Haruhi said with another sigh.

"I'll go and help you Haruhi," I said, scratching the back of my head.

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