44| Self-defense

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| (M/N)'s POV

The current continued to wash us away, feeling out of breath, I looked at Honey-senpai's blurry figure in the water.

Without thinking twice, I decided to try and push Honey with the last of my strength. I manage to push him to get a few seconds of air, but it wasn't enought to push him to the shore. After a second attempt, I finally pushed him to the surface. I felt myself smile, before getting the sinking feeling grow as the current continued to push me down the stream. My limbs grew heavy and my eyes beginning to grow tired. When I thought I was going to drown in the cold water, I felt a hand grab my wrist that was near the stream's side.

They started to pull it the opposite direction of the current upwards towards the shore. I quickly gasped for air, coughing up water as soon as they pulled me out.

I sat up straight, eyeing my second saviour of the day.

I looked over to find Honey-senpai with tears streaming down his cheeks. But I didn't noticed yet because of the water that synced with them.

I sighed in relief, seeing that he got out okay.

"Oh, thank God you're oka--" I was cut off when he suddenly threw himself to me, hugging onto me tightly, only now feeling his hot tears that dripped down to my shouder from his cheeks.

"(N/N)-chan!" Honey-senpai cried.

My eyes widened at the situation, but slowly regained my composure. Trying to calm him down as I whispered gentle reasurance while patting his back gently.

"It's okay Honey-senpai.. I'm fine now," I tried to reasure him, this sentence made his hug on me even tighter.

"I-I thought.. I-I was going to loose you.!" Honey cried again, sobbing much harder now.

"It's fine, I'm fine now Honey-senpai.." I reassured him again with a smile, "T-Thank you..*hic* for saving me," Honey-senpai said between sobs. "It's alright, you saved me too so.. I guess we're even," I said chuckling a little at the end giving him back his hug.

"We should probably go and start finding our way back," I told him after he calmed down.

He got off of me and sniffed, wiping his tears away with his arm. Nodding after with a smile. I saw that one tear remained on one of his eye, so I decided to wipe it away gently with my thumb, not noticing his slightly pink cheeks when I did this.

~~~ Meanwhile ~~~

"This is pretty much like a real jungle already," The blonde male said as he started to walk with the rest of the hosts. The brunette then looked quite unamused as she started to comment as well. "It seems like I hear a lot of weird animal calls" The brunette commented, making the twins look at her with bored looks.

"Thosed animal calls... better not be real, eh?" The older said pausing to let the younger Hitachiin finish his statement.

The raven haired male at the back looked to be neutral at the situation.

A bird call came again,

"Who knows? No matter what kind of work we do, we want things as real as possible." The raven said. As a while of walking the small brunette seem to notice the tall stoic male beside her making her look with a slightly confused and concerned face.

Mori-senpai is still so emotionless and so I still have no clue what he's thinking, but even if he looks calm, in times like this, he-- The brunette's thoughts were cut off when the tall male suddenly slipped on a banana peel. The other hosts looked at the tall raven in shock.

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