27| Cherry Blossoms

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My eyes fluttered open already glaring at the person who dared to try and wake me up. I saw a blurry pale hand, hovering in front of my face and a bright blinding strand of blonde hair. My vision slowly adjusted and saw the one and Only, Tamaki with a genuine worried expression over his features.

"(M/N) are you okay?" Tamaki asks, actually being like a normal person who's concerned. I slowly dropped my glare and looked at him tiredly, pushing myself off of my desk to sit up a little more properly.

"Yeah, I'm fine.." I said, my voice a little hoarse, making Tamaki blush a little, but I was too drowsy to notice. I rubbed my eyes tiredly and looked at Tamaki again, "What time is it.?" I asked. He stared at me as his face reddens even more, making me raise my brow at him in confusion.

I looked to my right side, seeing that Kyoya was still writing something in his notebook. I tiredly tapped his desk, making him look to me with a questionabled look. "What's.. the time.?" I tiredly asked the same question to him.

"Already pass 5 minutes of club hours," He answered and went back to writing. I blinked trying to process it a little with my hazy mind, before asking, "Then why are you two still here?" I asked them, confused.

"Well, the king suggested to give you some time to sleep. And that we should wait for you after 10 more minutes," He explains then closed his black notebook putting it inside his bag and then turned his head to me. "But now that you're awake we can do our flower viewing," Kyoya says as he slowly stand up from his desk. I looked at him puzzled before asking, "Flower viewing?" I asked.

"Yup! Today we'll let our guests to see the beautiful cherry blossoms outside!" Tamaki says happily with a big grin. I saw that Kyoya smirked after he said that, making me a little uneasy.

I have a bad feeling about this...

~A lil' Time Skip Here~

Cherry blossoms bloomed around us, the petals falling graciously and flowed beautifully with the wind as the sun shines down at us. It hurts my eyes because of the sun's rays and so much pink colors, but I can't say that it wasn't a beautiful sight, because I would be lying.

"Those with the wherewithal-first, in social standing, and second, with money-spend their time here, at the private Ouran Academy. As such, Ouran Host Club is where handsome boys with too much time on their hands entertain and charm the girls, who also have too much times on their hands. It is the school's own personal, elegant playground for the super-rich!" Tamaki rants on with his usual charming smile, already plastered on his features.

I'm feeling de'javu.... I thought, sweat dropping at the familiar words that Tamaki had just dropped. But quickly shook that off when I heard the door made a creaking sound as it opens, reveling many girls with smiles over their faces, making me tiredly smile back.

"Welcome Ladies," We all manage to say in perfect sync, the moment the girls went in as they admired the beautiful cherry blossoms around us.

Tamaki and Kyoya told me that today the Host Club was having a flower viewing reception outside. They also made me wear a Yukata, which I protested for a while, because first, it was annoyingly too hot for me to wear one outside. Second, is because I'm not used to those sandals, and thirdly, because I was too tired to wear it. Thou even thought I said I wouldn't wear it I still went and wore it because of Haruhi's reasonings.

The twins, Tamaki and Kyoya were wearing butler outfits, while me, Haruhi, Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai were wearing Yukatas.

"It's so hot..." I whined as I try to fan myself with my yukata's collar.

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