17| You're My New Favorite

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| Haruhi's POV

I smiled at my big brother who's table were close to mine, as he panicked when one or three of his guests had a nosebleed. I can see that some have also fainted with slightly flustered faces, some just wearing a smile. I glanced to the other hosts and they didn't really made a fuss over it like nii-chan is doing. So I guess their fine.

I guess it was just nii-chan'd classic self, haha... I thought chuckling softly under my breath.

"Haruhi-kun, aren't you going to wear a south tropical outfit?" One of my regular guest, Kimiko, called out to me making me turn towards them with a respectful smile. "I'd sure like to see that." One of my other regular guest, Momoka, agreed.

I put of my hands up, as a simple sign that says, 'NO'.

"No, I...I just think that it's natural to wear an early spring outfit during the early spring." I explained, which apparently made Tamaki-senpai hear. I don't even know how he heard me, since he's across the other tables from me and my guests.

"Haruhi, we have one ready for you. What's more, it's paired with mine." He said showing a tropical women's version of clothes, like his. "No thank you." I instantly replied. I didn't even noticed that nii-chan also heard Tamaki-senpai's announcement to make me wear the outfit, which apparently made him looked really annoyed and kicked Tamaki-senpai on his side in a flash, wearing a menacing look before he did it. Tamaki-senpai cried as he cling onto Kyoya-senpai like a child telling his mom on a bully. Kyoya-senpai didn't seem to be bothered and continued to just write on his black notebook.

"Haruhi-kun, you have a strong sense of seasons, huh?" Kimiko, started.

"Then I hope that the cherry blossoms are in full bloom for the dance party!" Momoka, says after. "The two of us, dancing among the fluttering cherry blossoms... It's so dreamy.." My three regular guests said as they looked like they are fantasizing together, making me gently smile at them.

"You really think so?" I asked and their attention went back to look at me. "Ladies, you're so cute to have such dreams." I said as I tilt a little to my left, still giving them a smile. They all stared at me with slightly tinted pink across their face.

"Excuse me..." I heard a voice behind me, making me turn to look and see who it was, "I believe that it's just about time for designee changes." She politely informed me, as she wear a soft smile. She looked at her appearance, She had a beautiful short brown hair that was parting from the center, with beautiful chuck hazel eyes. I snapped back once I realized that she was my next appointment.

"Oh, I'm sorry, you must be my next appointment, Miss..." I trailed off, forgetting what her name was on the lists of requests. She smiled gently before saying, "Kasugazaki Kanako, 2nd-Year Class B." She said. "You're even cuter than the rumors.." She said as she slowly lifted my chin up to look at her.

"I've made up my mind. I'm going to make you my new favorite." She announced with a slightly closed eyed smile. I blinked just confused. Favorite? I thought.

~ Time Skippey ~

| (M/N)'s POV

"I can't accept this." Tamaki mumbled to himself as he eat a cup of ramen. "Where'd you even get that?" I asked confused, but he just ignored me as he continued to eat his ramen while still mumbling about 'I cannot accept', over and over again.

"Sir, stop eating that commoner's ramen, and come help us with the dance party planning." Kaoru said as he looked boredly at Tamaki along with Hikaru while saying, "Is Princess Kasuga taking a liking to Haruhi really bothering you that much?"

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