35| Gay is hot

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Hello! Its been a week Hope y'all are doing great and having a lovely morning/afternoon/evening! I hope you enjoy this chapter! I wrote this at midnight don't know why.. (TwT)

| Third Person's POV

The bell rung in sync as fallen snowflakes landed on the snowy-ground. The sound of Children's laugher could be heard all around the cold snowy feild. The cold wind passing by the children made them squeal from it, as they laughed afterwards, some could be seen building a snowman while others played with their friends or siblings by throwing snowballs at each other.. it was truely pure childhood joy that surrounded the pair of twins.

Their eyes slowly looked up as a girl that looked to be the same age as them walked to stop infront of them.

"Let's build a snowman together!" The little girl with brunette hair happily said to the two with a warm smile.

"Which one of us are you talking to?" One of the twins asked with a blank expression same as his brother.

"Both of you, of course," The little girl answered, still smiling.

"There's no one called "both of you" over here," The other twin spoke.

"I'm talking to Hikaru-chan and Kaoru-chan, silly," She answered again with a giggle. The twins didn't reply for a second as a snowflake drops on top of their linked hands, as they thightened their grip together.

"Then..." They both paused in sync,

"...do you know which one's Hikaru..." They paused once more as they both stared at the little girl in front of them,

"...and which one's Kaoru?" They both finished....

| (M/N)'s POV

"It's the, "which one is Hikaru-kun" game!" I heard the twins exclaimed, as I served the teas to my guests. Close to where the twins table was. I heard their costumers squeal in delight as they all clapped their hands in excitement. I sighed and went to tend on my guests. I've been really drained these days for some reason, but that didn't stopped Tamaki and the others to pester me and my sister to go to the club, I honestly just want to lay down right now..

Suddenly I felt my eyes close and leaned my head to my side chair, resting my cheek on my palm while thinking if I should eat some cake of something to put higher my energy up.

"Well then," The loud chatter from the twins table made me and my guests to turn our attention to their direction, my eyes open to see what they were doing, "Can you tell which one's Hikaru?" The twins asked in sync as they both mirrored each other with identical smirks, their hats making it even hard to tell which is which.

"Oh that's so hard..." One of their costumer, another nood their head in agreement, before saying, "You two look so identical.

"So far, no one has been able to really tell who's who," The twins stated as they smugly put on identical smirks on their faces. This made me to raise a brow. And blurt out what I first thought, "That's bull," I said with a blant look. The twins turn to me with an 'We are offended' look.

I could see their guests and my guests turn to me with a curious look to why I just said that, I felt a little nevous with all the stares, but tried to continue to why I said that, "Surely, someone have tell who's who between you two," I said, realizing I rhymed which amazed me for a second. I saw the twins look rather tense when I said that. But they shook it off as they both grinned at me.

"Well yes, someone had been able to tell us who's who, but they only guessed it so it didn't count," The twins stated childishly, I rolled my eyes. Haruhi seemed to have over heard us as she walked passed behind the twins.

"What a worthless game," She said making me nod my head in agreement. the twins looked at me with a scowl then over to Haruhi with the same gesture, "What? Is there something you don't like about it?" They asked Haruhi with both Identical frown, the stares from me turned towards Haruhi.

"Actually..." She stopped on her tracks, turning to face the twins. "...I still don't get why you two are popular." She bluntaly stated, the twins had the same 'We are offended' look from before. "Oh that's something really nice to say," They both said with a sarcastic tone. The twins both took of their hats and put them down on the table, going to each of Haruhi's side making my 'overprotective-big brother meter' slowly going up.

"It really seems that Haruhi.." Hikaru starts with a tired look.

"..does not understand the benefits of us, the twins, being in the host club." Kaoru finished. I saw Hikaru's elbow placed on Haruhi's shoulder, making my eyes twitch from irritation, "You two keep your distance," I lowly stated as I glared daggers at Hikaru and Kaoru, the twins flinched and smiled nervously as they kept a distance from my little sister, Hikaru removed his elbow on my sister's shoulder as he went to put a hand on Kaoru's hip, Kaoru doing the same to Hikaru. I could see them still smiling nervously at me with a sweat-drop.

"Listen, just the fact that we're both handsome types and homo scores a lot of points," Hikaru started first, "And while our act that swings between friendship and homo is favourable enough..." Hikaru stopped as he turned to wrap his hands around Kaoru's waists, while Koaru wrapped his arms over to Hikaru's neck with a smirk, "...in our case, we use the highest taboo of us being twins as our biggest weapon," Koaru said, slowly letting go of Hikaru as the two walked to one of ther guests, putting their elbow's on their guest's chair, slowly leaning to both of her side with identical smirks.

Hikaru went to turn the girl's face to his direction with a seductive look. "On top of that, this is setup of also being loved simultaneously by these two tightly bonded twins is..." HIkaru stopped as Kaoru turned the girls head to him, "...a maiden's ultimate romance, right?" Kaoru finished. The girl's cheek slowly turned pink, "Ehh... eh... me?" She asked, she looked to be struggling with words. I could see that the girl pass out, her soul leaving her body with a look of bliss, "I can't take it any more!!!" The girl's soul yelled flying away. The other two guests squealed face all flustered.

This new information unknowingly made me smirk for some reason, "So gay is hot here, huh.. I can try something with that.." I mumbled to myself, unaware of saying it outloud as a smirk sneaked its way to my mouth, snapping the twins to look at me along with my guests, I could see their faces slowly turning pink to red.

Before I could realize what I had just said, a fuming Tamaki went infront of the twins distracting me. Making me forget what I had unconciously mumbled.

See you all again on the next chapter! It's getting good! hehehe (•̀ᴗ•́)و

WC: 1215

Thank you all so much for even batting an eye on this! ILY really so much! Mua~! 💋


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