38| Stop Fighting!

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| Third person's POV

"Is this seat taken?" The blue haired twin asked the brunette, thought his eyes looked to be focuse on the maroon-haired-male as he gripped his tray tightly, his finger slightly turning white from the grip.

"No.." (M/N) answered slowly for Haruhi, seeing that his sister was still in a daze from the delicious food that she ate.

The maroon haired male raised his brow when the Blue haired twin's eyes suddenly turned cold for a second, before turning to his usual mischivous look when he tured his attention towards Haruhi.

"Taste good?" Kaoru asked with a grin before continuing, saying: "have some of mine, then. Here..." Kaoru states as he scooped the same black like jelly dessert that the pink haired twin gave (M/N). Kaoru went to lift Haruhi's chin up as he held out the spoon full dessert in front of her "ahh.." he mimicked the same tone that the pink haired twin used for the older Fujioka. (M/N)'s over-protective big brother side slowly boiled as his eyes twitch at the sight right in front(beside) him. That goes the same to the pink haired twin that looked to be glaring at twin brother.

Before Haruhi could even take a bite of the spoon full of jelly-like-dessert, the pink haired twin caught them off guard, by going forward to take the dessert, leaning his weight on (M/N) to be able to reach the spoon with a blank stare.

"Excuse me, but go away," Hikaru told Kaoru while the spoon was still in his mouth. The two Fujioka siblings looked at the two in shock with their mouths thightly lined at the awkward outcome. (M/N) and Haruhi saw that Kaoru slowly let go of the spoon's lead and slowly lift up the soup in his tray, before tossing it quickly towards his twin's face, thought before (M/N) or Haruhi could even react, Hikaru spit the spoon out while pulling Tamaki down by his tie down in front of him, making him to be the one that got hit by the warm soup.

And then the twins started to throw endless foods, chairs and even utensils at each other. At some point Hikaru was able to throw their senior Honey, making the tall raven haired senior, Mori to go in and try to catch the poor loli-shota of the club, not minutes later Tamaki was hit once more with the same soup in the face, resulting him to fly off to the other side of the hallway.

(M/N) and Haruhi sat there together in the inbetween with a blank look. The older Fujioka sighed tiredly as he tapped his sister's shoulder, to get her attention. "Let's just eat in the garden Haruhi.." He whispered and she nodded as they both stood up to leave silently.

~Time Skipped~

|(M/N)'s POV

Tamaki sighed tiredly, it's already closing time for the Host club along with Students slowly going home. I was seating next to Haruhi. Tamaki at the end of the table slouching, Honey-senpai was playing with his stuffed toy rabbit as Mori senpai was beside him, his arms being folded in front of him, while Kyoya was at his calculator computing something.

"If this situation goes on.." Kyoya suddenly spoke up as he stopped his computing. Getting all our attention to look at him to listen on to what he has to say in out situation. "we'll be forced to stop selling the brotherly love." He said then went on with his computation on the calculater he had, "Designation rates will definitely be down." He finished, but stopped once more when he turned towards Haruhi's direction.

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