58| It's Your Privilege

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~The Next Day After (M/N) Passed Out~

| Third Person's POV

It was another normal day in Ouran Academy. Some of the kids were eating fancy food, some playing piano pieces while others just chat amongst their peers. Though in a particular area; six males that were gathered at an abandoned music room seemed to be rather gloomy unlike their usual bizzarre and unique personalities.





Four of the six made their 'bored and sad out' sounds. One was a male with honey-blonde hair, the other of the two with ginger like hair, the third person was a tall male with short raven colored hair, and lastly a male with beautiful blonde hair who looked to be growing mushrooms.

"(M/N)-kun/san/chan 's.." The four starts, all slowly glancing at the empty chair that was usually occupied by the maroon haired male.

"Absent.." They all gloomily said some of the six boys not really showing it but you could tell that they were clearly disappointed that the maroon haired male was not in the room, if you just look at their faces closely.

"..And Haruhi's Late!" The tall blonde cried blowing on a tissue that the twins gave from across the table.

Just as he said that, the club's door creaked open, revealing a a short brunette.

"Sorry I'm la--!?" As soon as she was about to pardon her tardiness, she was quickly hugged by the tall blonde male.

"Ha~~ru~hi~!!" The blonde whales with crocodile tears falling from his eyes.

"Senpai.." The brunette starts, blinking at the fake-cry of the tall blonde.

"Please get off of me." Haruhi sternly said, crushing the innocent heart of the blonde, making him cry even harder at the cold tone filter he saw of the girl.

The two ginger haired boys quickly stood up from their sits and then pulled the koala-like-blonde off of the brunette. Their eyes saying they weren't one bit amused at the tall male's behavior.

"Alright Boss, that's enough harassing Haruhi for today." The twins said in sync, looking away with their tongues sticking out when the blonde started to say his defense on why he 'missed his dear daughter', who he states had been gone for hours which was not really true.

"Good afternoon Mori-senpai, Honey-senpai and Kyoya-senpai." The brunette politely greeted ignoring the tall blonde's rants of being her (fake) father.

"Good afternoon Haru-chan!" A small and very energetic honey-blonde haired boy greeted back with a bright smile on his face. While the two other males nodded towards her as acknowledgement.

So far the brunette thinks that it's pretty normal so far, so she took a seat across of her seniors. Though, as soon she sat down the twins quickly went to her side as they both stared holes to her way along with the other boys in the room, making her inevitably sweat drop as response.

The brunette then sighed out in defeat.

"Nii-chan's sick so he's absent today." She went straight to the point to not let the others bombard her with questions.

"How high is his fever?" A tall raven haired male with glasses asked as he glance towards the brunette's direction.

"38.2°.." She slowly answered, making the other boys in the room to have their eyes widen from shock.

"Have you taken him to the hospital?" The blonde asked with a worried look in his eyes.

"We tried, but he kept saying his fine and refused. Saying that he'll quickly recover in just a few days." Haruhi said with a saddened look, remembering the aching smile her brother showed.

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