01| Ouran High School

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A/N: Bold Slanted words from (M/N) means that he's giving off that Naturally scary look while saying something. Enjoy your reading guys!

| (M/N)'s POV

"Bye Dad! We're off!" I yelled out as My sister and I put on our shoes. "Be careful on your way you two~!" Dad waved us off from the Kitchen, He was still eating. "We will!" I Replied and Haruhi opens the door wide enough for her and for me to walk to. I smiled at her, "Thanks Sis." I said, she smiled back and nodded. We both went out the apartment and Haruhi closed the door behind us.

As the two of us were walking down the alleyway I saw a cute black cat. And me being a huge fan of cute animals quickly awed the creature with sparkles in my eyes. "Haruhi, look! Look! IT'S a Cat! And it's SOOO CUTEE!!" I cooed. She sweat dropped at my behavior, but smiled nonetheless, "Yeah, I can see that. Let's see if you're not gonna scare it this time." She said still with her smile on. I started to pout a bit. "Watch me." I huffed.

I bent down a bit and put out one of my hand for the Cat, and put on a gentle smile. "Come here", The cute black cat looked at me cutely which made me blushed a bit, "Mew~" It meowed and slowly went to my hand. "Where did you come from, buddy?" I asked in a gentle Voice. The Cat cutely looked up to me, I was putting on my usual smiles, but the cat suddenly meowed loudly with a really scared look then it quickly scattered away. "E-Eh??? W-Wait.! C-Come baaack..!!" I cried out and little tears started to form on both of my eyes. I looked over to Haruhi and she was laughing her ass out with pure tears of joy under her round glasses that she was wearing.

"H-Hey! It's not funny!" I said and she took off her glasses, wiping a tear off from her eyes then put the glasses on once more. "Right... Sorry nii-chan, but it was priceless. So I couldn't help it." She said with her Natural smile, I blushed a bit when she called me 'big brother'. I stood up and cleared my throat. "W-Well.. I-It's fine I guess.. it happens.." I said quietly, a bit embarrassed. I was weak to being called 'big brother' by my one and only younger sister.

~Le Time skip to the two at the school gates~

"W-Whoa..." I gasped out, in awe at the huge pink school. "It's Pink." Haruhi said beside me. "And really Huge.." I said still in awe. "Well Let's go, We're gonna be late if we just stand here all day." My sister said and started to walk ahead. "O-Oh, right." I followed my sister and now we were walking together side by side.

We walked down the Pink High School's Hallway, off to the office which the schools' guard told us where it is. As my eyes were gazing everywhere that the school has, I started to notice some stares at me and my sister as we were walking.

"Hey look! He looked at me!" -girl1

"Are they transfer students?"-boy1

"Yeah, Maybe." -boy2

"That Maroon haired boy looks soo hot!" -girl2

"Hey, Hey. You think he'll join the 'Host Club'?" -girl1

"I hope so!" -girl2 *squeals at the thought*

Host club? I asked in my head.

After a while we finally made it to the schools office. "Phew, that was a long walk." I said. My sister hummed in response. I looked at her then sighed, getting her attention. "What?" She asked me. I looked at her sternly. "You know, I wished you'd let me cut you hair before all..." I tried to motion to her very shored hair like a males. "this." I said sweat dropping.

"Well it's already cut anyways so, There's nothing I can do." She said.

I sighed again and smiled down at her a bit.

"If it happens again, you'll have to let me cut it. Got it~?" I said giving her a genuinely closed eyed smile.

She stared at me. "You know, If I was a stranger I would have run away from you 'cause of that look."

As if an imaginary sharp arrow stabbed me I gave a hurt face. "H-How mean sis.. I'm still older than you, you know.." I said fake tears falling. "Yeah, I know. And You also know that you're eyes are Naturally scary. So be careful of using it." She pointed out, opening the door that I forgot was there. "Yes.." I said, defeated at her fact.

The two of us went in. There was a blonde haired woman sitting at the desk. She looked like she was in her 20's, she wore glasses that fit her features perfectly. We went up to her and I cleared my throat which gained her attention to look at us. She raised a brow. She stared at us questionably then she gasped finally realizing.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. You two must be the honored students aren't you?" She asked in a gentle voice. We nodded and I smiled at her which she smiled back. "Can we have our schedule please?" I asked. She nodded and pulled open under her desk then gave us our schedules. "Thank you very much." Haruhi said and we both bowed our heads then went out the office.

"Okay, What's your class?" I asked her as soon as we were out of the office. She looked at her schedule and looked up at me. "It says, Class 1-A." She said. "Hm, Mine's Class 2-A." I said looking at my Schedule. "Let's have lunch together later, sis." I said smiling. She smiled back nodding. "Okay, see you later nii-chan." After that she went off to find her classroom and I did the same, but with a giddy smile because I get to hear her call me 'big brother' again.

Okay! Chapter 1 Done!

WC: 1025


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