Bottomless Pit-Part Two

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A few weeks ago...

Wendy, Bill, and Will, were currently standing in the center of the forest.

"Red, I'm starting to get tired of this," Bill grumbled.

"This is the last time, I promise," Wendy told them.

"Um, so when are your friends showing up?" Will asked. "You said they'll be joining us?"

Just then, the three heard a loud caw above. They looked up, to see a huge bird with purple tail feathers.

"Looks like they're here," Wendy smiled, then called to the bird. "Tambry! Over here!"

The bird immediately landed, turning into a teenage girl. "Hey," She said, pulling out her phone.

In the nearby bushes, Thompson crawled out, along with Lee and Nate.

Thompson approached them eagerly. "Hey--" Then, he tripped, and fell on his face. "Ow..."

Lee bent down and patted his head. "Don't worry, Thompson, you don't have any dignity left to lose."


"Waddup, Wendy," Nate greeted, giving the redhead a high five.

Wendy looked around. "Where's Robbie? I asked him to come too."

"He couldn't make it," Nate explained. "He said he was busy. Whatever that meant."

"Huh, since Leather Pants isn't here, this might be tolerable," Bill said.

"So, what are we doing here, Wendy?" Tambry asked, without looking up from her phone.

Wendy cleared her throat. "We're here to catch the elusive monster: the Mudborn. It's said to be located in this part of the forest, and the Cipher twins are gonna help us lure it out, so we can attack."

"This is a very, very bad idea," Bill remarked.

"Less complaining, more baiting!" Wendy told him, then beckoned them deeper into the woods.

After a while, they arrived at a spot beside a stream of water, and they hid behind a large bush. There was silence, and they looked around.

"So, Red," Bill started. "What exactly does this Mudborn look like?"

A moment later, he had answer. As a deep growl echoed throughout the forest, and a giant shape slowly came into view. The twins stared in shock, at the monster before them. It was  completely made of mud, dirt, and an assortment of twigs. It had no eyes, but had a gaping mouth, relieving rows of pointed stones with sharp tips. 

It emitted another low growl, it's four feet making squelching noises as it walked. It gurgled, dripping mud everywhere, while the brothers watched.

"Nope," Bill said, turning away. "Will, we're leaving."

"Yep," Will agreed.

But, unfortunately, Wendy blocked their path. "Guys, please," She begged.

"There's no way, we're facing that thing," Bill snapped.

"It's easy, I swear," Wendy insisted. "All you have to do, is stand in front of our hiding place, and lure the monster towards us."

"If we die today, you're banned from our funeral," Bill told her.

"I'll probably threaten to jump in the grave with you."

"Seems like something you'd do," The blond sighed, then tugged on Will's sleeve. "C'mon, let's get it's attention."

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