Welcome-Part Two

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The twins were now out into the mass of trees, not knowing how far they were from the road. Bill's lungs burned from the effort, and he was panting heavily. Will was no better, practically falling behind. A while later, the blue haired boy couldn't take it anymore, and stopped in his tracks.

"Stop!" He rasped, clutching his chest in exhaustion. "I think we gone far enough..."

Bill halted, and turned to him with a frown. "You don't know that! That thing could still be nearby!"

"Well, if that's the case, we would've heard it a mile away," Will noted.

The other boy considered his brother's words, then said. "Alright, let's take a break, but we have to start moving again."

Will exhaled in relief, and collapsed flat onto his back. Meanwhile, Bill was taking in their surroundings. Trees. All that stood in his sight, were tall trees, with prickly leaves that moved in the gentle breeze. At least it stopped raining, there was no reason for the twins to be soaked while running for their lives. Still, it was a bit chilly. Bill briefly remembered that Will still had his jacket, and briskly knelt down and took it back from his twin.

He lowered his backpack, so he could fit his jacket on. After that, he turned back to Will. "OK, let's go."

Will sat up, and stared at him. "It's barely been a minute."

"Well, I ain't staying here, it's creepy," Bill countered, gesturing his arms towards the darkness around them.

"But--" He paused, and his eyes grew big as saucers.

Bill narrowed his eyes. "Oh boy, what near death experience awaits us now?"

Will didn't respond, only pointing a trembling finger towards a tree that stood behind the blond. At once, Bill slowly turned around, and rose his head. There, he spotted a moving form perching on the branches. The creature was hidden by the shadows, but looked scrawny, and had wild hair.

"Hey, there," It said, it's voice sounded feminine.

"Hello, demon," Bill replied, while Will was cowering behind his brother.

"You seem lost, mind if I help?" It asked, shifting in place.

Bill managed to catch a glint that appeared behind her back. She was carrying something sharp. "No thank you, we have it all handled, miss."

The creature tilted her head. "Are you sure? Because I know my way around these woods."

"Listen, lady," Bill started. "I appreciate the concern, if it weren't...you know, coming from a total creeper in a tree--"

"Bill!" Will snapped.

"Oh, do you want me to lie, now?" He shot back.

"Don't worry, I get it," The stranger reassured. "You have to be careful who you trust around here, after all."

"OK, but where exactly is here?" Bill questioned.

Both twins flinched, when the creature rose on her legs, the branches somehow holding her weight. "There's a small town nearby. A place called Zero Gravity Town."

Weird name, Bill thought.

Will peered from behind his brother's shoulder, and looked at the creature. "Can you point us to the direction of this town?"

"Sure," She answered. "Just follow the lights."

"Lights?" Bill repeated. "What lights? It's completely dark here!"

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