Fight Fighters-Part One

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After the scenarios involving the time traveling machine, Bill was desperate for a break. Which was why, he was with hanging out with Wendy in the nearby arcade. He tried to invite Will to go with them, but his brother declined, saying he was busy with something. Bill was worried that Will might be trying do magic again. He already caught his brother trying to use his supposed powers on multiple occasions. Bill could understand where Will was coming from, but at the same time, he was afraid his twin was becoming reckless. If anyone knew what Will did that day, it might put him in danger.

Bill shook his head. He came here to ignore his current problems, not dwell on them. So, he focused all his attention, on trying to beat Wendy in a videogame called Fight Fighters. It was one of those combat things, where they each played a character. The redheaded Guardian was Dr Karate, while Bill played as a character called Rumble McSkirmish.

"Aha!" Wendy exclaimed, triumphantly, as Bill's character collapsed and her one came out as the victor.

"What? No fair!" Bill protested. "Why did you make me pick this character, he's super weak."

"Hey, Rumble is an old time favorite of mine," The redhead remarked.

"If so, why didn't you pick him?"

"I wanted you to experience him for yourself."

Bill rolled his eyes. "The only thing I experienced from him is his overly dramatic lines."

"Oh come on, it's not that dramatic," Wendy insisted.

In response, the blond pointed to the screen of the video game, where a cut scene was playing out between Dr Karate and Rumble McSkirmish.




"OK, you have a point," Wendy admitted.

The two paused, before bursting into laughter. Once they calmed down, they were about to start another game, when a voice interrupted them.

"Hey, Wendy!"

Bill inwardly groaned, when Robbie approached them, wearing his human disguise, along with that scarf that covered his mouth. The Cupid immediately paused beside Wendy, and wrapped an arm around her.

"Hey, Robbie," Wendy greeted, pecking him on the cheek.

"Wow, who knew you came out in the daytime," Bill jeered, giving Robbie a hard look.

"Watch it, kid," The Cupid warned. Then, he turned back to Wendy. "Babe, I was just about to leave, but maybe we can hang out later?"

"Aw man, actually, I have to go on a trip after this," Wendy explained. "I been hearing word of some vicious beavers in the west woods, so I got to deal with that. I'll probably be back next week, is that okay?"

"Uh, sure," Robbie said, cheeks tinted pink. "Anyway, I'll see you later, babe." Then, he walked off without another word.

Bill watched him leave, with squinted eyes. "Red, can I ask you something?"

"Uh, sure?"

"Why do you like that idiot?"

"Way to be subtle, Bill," The redhead sighed.

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