Boyz Crazy-Part Two

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Later that night, Mabel met up with Candy and Grenda at the Civic Center and Buffet, where an overwhelming crowd began to form outside. The Guardian was in casual wear this time, while her Raven Warriors wore spelled jackets to hide their wings.

"This is it," Mabel started, grinning at them. "Are you ready for the greatest night of our lives."

The two cheered, and Grenda declared. "I don't care if I get arrested, I'm going to climb up that stage and hug every last one of those boys!"

"C'mon, our destiny awaits," The brunette grinned.

After waiting in a colossal queue, the three finally reached the box office. However...

"Sorry, the show is sold out," The ticket seller said, before closing the shutters on them.

The three gasped in distraught, and looked around to see Sold Out signs being hung everywhere, and they were the only ones left in the parking lot.

"This night is ruined!" Grenda cried.

Candy fell to her knees. "I welcome you, death..."

Mabel looked between the two sadly. Slowly her face turned into determination.

"Don't worry, guys," She told them. "I said we're going to have the best night ever, and I meant it. And no Keep Out sign will keep us out!"


Back in the shack Bill and Dipper were in the kitchen, trying to figure out Robbie's CD. However, it mostly assisted of them staring at the cast for a while.

"This is going nowhere," Bill said. "Maybe, there's nothing strange about it."

Dipper frowned stubbornly. "I know there is."

Bill looked at him for a while, then sighed. "Pine Tree, do you think it's time to...maybe, move on."

The brunette regarded him blankly. "What are you implying?"

Bill bit his bottom lip, feeling his face grow warm. "I'm talking about your crush on Red. She doesn't seem to feel the same way, and you'll only get yourself hurt if you continue chasing after her."

Dipper bowed his head, trailing his finger over the cast in his hands. "Thanks for the concern, but I know what I'm doing," He insisted. "I know my chances with her are slim. Still...that shouldn't stop me from trying."

Bill was afraid he would say that. It took a while for him to come to terms with his feelings for Pine Tree, but now, he couldn't deny them if he tried. Frankly, Bill wasn't quite used to the array of emotions flowing through him when he was near Dipper. From warm fluffiness, to nausea in the stomach, to complete and utter frustration. It overwhelmed him, and Bill found it very annoying. The only possible solution to this problem, would be to wait until this crush of his fades away. Proven difficult, considering Bill hung out with Dipper every second of his life.

"Hey, knuckleheads."

Both turned, seeing Stan step inside the kitchen, holding a stack of canned meat. Bill regarded him in confusion.

"What are you doing?"

"Storing canned meat for the apocalypse, what does it look like?" He remarked. The Day Guardian moved towards a shelf, and starting putting the cans inside one by one. "So, what are you two doing? Making out?"

Dipper flushed. "Actually, we're trying to figure out something," He said, defiantly. "This might sound crazy, but I think Robbie is brainwashing Wendy with music."

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