Boss Bill-Part Two

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"Just when I thought you couldn't get anymore stupid," Wendy sighed.

"I told you, Red, it was the Kool-Aid! It messes with your head!" Bill protested.

The group were sitting around the kitchen table, discussing the situation with the Day Guardian.

"Guys, can't you convince Stan not to make a shop here?" Will asked the Pine twins.

Dipper shook his head, standing against a counter. "Sorry, but once that man has his mind set on something profitable, he can turn stubborn real quick."

Mabel nodded in agreement. "He once sold our beds to an open market...while we were still sleeping in them."

Dipper shuttered. "You don't want to know where we ended up..."

"That scrooge must have a weak spot," Bill insisted. "There's no way I'm having tourists in this house, that's as worse as having cockroaches."

Dipper approached the blond, pausing beside him. "You might be onto something," He smiled.

The two looked at each other for a while, before quickly turning away, their expressions close to embarrassment. The rest of the group regarded them curiosity. After the night of Summerween, Dipper and Bill were quiet towards each other, and no one knew why.

With the silence going on too long, Will broke it with a question. "So, Dipper, do you know how we can fix this mess?"

Dipper nodded. "As much as Grunkle Stan can't resist money, he also can't resist a good deal. So, if you want your shack back, you need to propose another bet."

"That could work," Will beamed, then turned to the blond. "How about it, Bill?"

"Sounds good," Bill agreed, sitting up from the table. "Let's go see the old man."

The two left, and the last three were alone in the kitchen. Wendy turned to Dipper.

"You really think this will work?" She asked.

"No, I'm pretty sure they're screwed."

"Yeah..." Mabel sighed.


Stan tilted his head. "You want to make a what?"

The Cipher brothers met up with Stan in the front yard, where he had been busy displaying a giant Mystery Shack sign on the roof. The Day Guardian was now on the ground, squinting at the kids behind his spectacles.

"We want to make a deal with you," Bill repeated, seriously. "The objective of it: is that if we win, we get full custody of the shack back."

Stan chuckled loudly, as though hearing a joke. "Oh? And what kind of wager is this? Another poker game?"

"Whatever it is, I'll guarantee we'll beat you."

"Is that so?" The Guardian mused. "Well then, how about this?" He snapped his fingers, and an empty jar magically appeared in his hands.

At the near top of the jar, marked a red line. Stan tapped this red line with his finger. "Let's say, you run the Mystery Shack for three days. That's three days for you to fill this jar with money up to the red line."

"OK, sounds easy enough," Bill said.

"If you lose, you'll be my part-time employees," Stan said, then grinned in Bill's direction. "Also, you'll be preforming a special dance, with lyrics I'm gonna let my niece make up."

"And if we win, you get the hell out of here," Bill shot back. "And, you have to wear a Loser shirt all summer."

"Deal," Stan said, extending his hand.

Bill glared, then shook the man's hand. "Deal."

The Day Guardian withdrew, smirking. He handed Will the jar. "Good luck, you two."

Then, Stan stepped back from them, and combusted into flames. The Cipher twins retreated back, as the fanning fire distinguished, and Stan was gone.

"Well, that happened," Bill said.

Will looked down anxiously at the jar. "We'll be running a store by ourselves, this is insane."

"Please, compared to everything else we faced, this is a piece of cake," Bill noted. "C'mon, let's go tell the others."

The blond walked inside, while Will stood outside for a good few minutes. His eyes darted from the jar to the huge sign on the roof, before eventually following his brother inside.


"I get to make up lyrics for your special dance?" Mabel beamed.

"Only if we lose," Bill told her, sternly.

Mabel pouted, and Dipper had a look of uncertainty. "You two are really going to run a whole shop?"

"Not only the two of us," Bill said. "Since it's your problematic uncle, you're helping us."

"Fine," Dipper sighed.

"What about me?" Wendy asked. "There's no way I'm in on this."

Bill narrowed his eyes at her. "Fat chance, Red, you owe us for the times you used us as bait."

"Touché," The redhead scoffed.

"I thought that was one time, Wendy?" Mabel asked.

Wendy shrugged sheepishly. "What can I say, the twins make good bait."

"Thank you, for being a responsible individual," Bill said, sarcastically.

Then, the blond boy then addressed the whole group. "OK, we'll be running this shack for three days, so we have to work our fingers to the bone in order to fill up the jar. Any suggestions on how to boost our profits?"

"Ooh, I have one!" Mabel announced. "How about, glitter canons?"

"That sounds horrible," Bill told her. "Next."

"I could catch a monster, and display it as an exhibit," Wendy suggested.

"That sounds like a great idea...if you want us to get eaten," Bill remarked. "Will, what's your idea?"

Will rubbed his chin hesitantly. "Hmm, we can--"


"Why did you ask me, if you're not gonna let me finish?"

"I'm just trying to think smart here," The blond said. "We can't jump on the first idea that comes to mind, we need to explore options."

"But, at least give some of our suggestions a chance," Will said. "It's not like you can come up with anything better."

"Actually, I did," Bill smiled. "While you were talking. Here's my strategy: I'll be the supervisor. Red, you run the counter. Will, you'll handle the prices. Mabel on exhibits. And Dipper...can be a mascot or something."

Dipper blinked. "What--"

"Shooting Star, I need you to make Pine Tree a cuddly outfit that can attract tourists from a mile away, you think you can handle that?"

Mabel stared into the distance. "My time has come..."

"I don't know what's happening, but I'm scared," Dipper said.

Mabel grabbed his arm. "Come, Brother, let us check your measurements." Then she dragged Dipper away, while he pleaded for dear life.

"While they're busy," Bill started, turning to Wendy and Will. "You two can help me make last minute preparations."

They nodded in agreement. So, for the whole day, they prepared for the grand opening of the Mystery Shack.

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