Cipher's Reign-Part Five

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Bill couldn't imagine how he got to this point.

He was now sitting at the foot of Will's bed, while his brother rested soundly. A while earlier, he thanked the Oak twins for taking care of Will until he returned, and bid them farewell. Afterwards, the Pine twins could come inside the shack, and they now waited downstairs.

Earlier, Dipper had chastised Bill for throwing the journal, and Bill replied that he had no other choice, and that Dipper's life was more important than the book. However, Bill did feel a tinge of regret for leaving the journal behind, because Jill could easily use it against them, if she wasn't powerful enough already.

Bill wanted to fight back, but he could barely summon his powers, without being inflicted by a sharp pain. He didn't get it, how come it only hurt now? In the end, if he wanted to protect everyone he cared for, there was only one thing to do...

Bill looked back at his brother. Fortunately, Will's wounds were bandaged, so he wasn't loosing anymore blood. Bill frowned, when the blue haired boy shivered slightly, and the blond reached out to pull the blanket over him. But as he did, Will's eyes suddenly shot open and the boy sat up.

Bill watched, as Will rubbed his head groggily, before slowly turning towards the blond.

Will blinked, as though not noticing Bill at first. "Bill, what--"

Bill didn't give him time to finish, as he reached out and pulled Will into an embrace. The blond tried not to squeeze him too hard, since he was afraid of hurting his brother. Afterwards, Bill released him, and couldn't contain the relieved smile that spread across his face.

"Will, I'm so glad you're okay," Bill said, then asked gently. "Do you remember anything?"

"I remember some things, things I'd rather forget," Will said, a darkness veiled across his eyes, as he gazed down at his bandages.

Bill frowned, but decided it was best not to make his brother relive those traumatic memories. "Are you still hurt?"

"Only a little bit," Will answered. "Not as much as before."

"That's good," The blond replied, rubbing his arms sheepishly.

Will then noticed the blisters on Bill's forearms, and his eyes widened. "Bill, what happened to you!?"

Bill looked down at his arms sheepishly. "About that...I have my powers. And it turns out, fire hurts like hell."

"I don't think I want you using your powers, if it's gonna hurt you," Will said, seriously.

"Hey, I was worried that your powers might get you hurt, but that didn't stop you from using them, didn't it?"

"Point taken," Will admitted, then gently placed a hand on Bill's shoulder.

Instantly, the burn marks on Bill's skin grew smaller, and the stinging vanished. The scars were still very noticeable, but at least it didn't hurt anymore.

"Thanks," Bill said, gratefully.

Will nodded. "Did you tell the others, yet?"

"Not yet," Bill sighed. "Dipper and Mabel assumed I got the burns from Kill."

"Don't hesitate this time," Will told him. "I know it's hard, but let's not keep them in the dark any longer."

"I know," Bill agreed.

There was a moment of silence, Will then looked at him questionably. "So, how did you find me?"

Bill breathed heavily, rethinking everything that had happened, before he began to catch Will up to speed on recent events. He explained that Jill and Kill caged Wendy, Stan, and others in a facility, and that before they could free them, the press showed up. He also mentioned the Oak twins.

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