Cipher's Reign-Final

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They were driving up a mountain road.

Unsurprisingly, it was an extremely bumpy ride. Will and Bill hung onto their seats for dear life, as the vehicle sped upwards.  Meanwhile, their pursuers were surging closer.

Will shrieked, when there was a thud on the roof, and then an axe broke through. Wendy peeled off a piece of the roof, and was about to climb in, until Soos made a sharp swerve. Immediately, Wendy was flung off the bus. At first, Will was afraid she was hurt, but then the redhead stood up like nothing happened, and continued chasing after them with the rest of the mindcontrolled Guardians.

Despite the situation, Soos was doing pretty well at dodging each attack. Like swerving to the side, every time Stan would launch a fireball at them. Though, it didn't stop the blaze of heat that sneered through the metal. Will and Bill were force to move away, before their flesh was nearly scorched.

The twins fell to the floor of the bus during another sharp turn, and Soos turned to them worryingly. Unfortunately, as soon as the driver turned away from the road, Bill noticed something in the front window.

"Soos, cliff!" He yelled.

Soos turned just in time, and stomped on the breaks. The bus screeched to a halt, the front wheels of the bus dangling from the edge. The three inside stared, as the vehicle tilted dangerously, the sound of multiple footsteps approaching them. Quickly, Soos took out a manual from the compartment, and started flipping through it.

"OK, what's the closest to our current situation?" He asked. "Raccoon in engine? Or crazy grandparent who won't leave bus? I'm kinda feeling like it's the second one..."

Bill didn't respond, because he was busy grabbing his brother's arm, and leaving the bus. The two stepped out of the vehicle, only to be faced by the mindcontrolled Guardians, who were only a short distance away and closing in. Bill turned and saw a train track connected to the cliff, and immediately ran towards it, while dragging Will along.

The two sprinted across the track, just when they heard the footsteps behind them. They paused, and turned around, to see their pursuers following them on the train track, with Jill in the lead. The Cipher twins turned to escape, but then realized they reached a dead end.

"It's no use!" Jill hissed. "Now, where is Journal #1?"

"Journal #1?" Bill repeated, in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

Jill growled under her breath, then turned to Stan. She nodded towards him, and it must have been an indication for something, because the Day Guardian then moved forward. The Cipher brothers stared, when the old man lit his hand on fire and aimed at the two of them.

"Give up the journal, or else," She warned.

"Don't you need me for your master plan, what use am I to you if I'm a pile of ashes?" Bill remarked.

Jill chuckled. "Dearest brother, you think Kill hadn't told me that you regained your powers? One of your perks, is that you're immune to fire. You'll still be hurt by it, of course, but it won't destroy you. Will however..."

Bill was about to step in front of Will protectively, but was interrupted, when Will stepped forward. There was a glint of determination in the boy's eyes.

"Do it," Will told Jill.

Bill's eyes widened. "What are you doing!?"

Will ignored him, and glared straight at Jill. "Go ahead, and kill me. If you do, you'll be ruining your chances of ever finding the journal."

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