Bottomless Pit-Part One

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"Bill, what is this?" Dipper asked.

"The gate to hell," Bill replied.

"It's our new exhibit," Will corrected.

The three were gathered right outside the shack, and were studying a hole at their feet. The said hole was wide, and inside was an endless spiral of darkness.

"Exhibit?" Dipper repeated.

"Yeah, your wacko uncle thought this bottomless pit would drive in some customers," Bill explained.

"Of course," The brunette sighed. "And, why did you drag me over here?"


"Hey, Bill!"

They turned, seeing Mabel and Wendy rushing towards them. There was something peculiar about them, because they were holding a bunch of things.

"What's going on here?" Dipper asked, as the two women paused in front of them.

"Since we have this pit, we might as while get rid of stuff that is no longer use to us," Bill said. "Which means, you can finally get rid of that dorky uniform, Pine Tree."

"It's not dorky, it's professional!" Dipper protested.

"And severely outdated," Mabel chuckled, and her brother shot her a glare.

Meanwhile, Wendy placed a large box in front of Bill. "Here's all the stuff you asked me to gather."

"I thought I asked you to bring Gompers too," The blond reminded.

"Bill, I am not letting you throw a live goat into a pit."

Bill pouted, while Will bent down to look inside the box.

"Wow, there's so much old stuff in here," Will mused. He reached in, and pulled out a battered teddy bear. "Aww, it's Mr Blueberry! I forgot I brought him along with me. Man, this gives me some nostalgia--"

"Nostalgia begone!" Bill shouted, grabbing the bear from his twin and dropping it into the pit.

"Mr Blueberry! Nooooo!" Will screamed, watching the bear disappear into the darkness. "Bill, why did you do that!?"

"Mr Blueberry lived a long life, he will be missed," Bill said. "Also, you didn't notice, but he was covered in maggots."

"Ugh, you could've told me earlier!" Will gasped, attempting to wipe his hands on the grass beneath him.

"I wanna throw stuff, too!" Mabel beamed, excitingly.

"Go ahead, Shooting Star," Bill said.

Mabel nodded, then held up what she'd been holding. A busted up sewing machine.

"Goodbye, old friend," She said, before throwing the object down the hole. "We made many memories together...and caused many fires."

Bill went next, throwing down a game console he recently grabbed from the box. "So long, crappy game console I bought from a sketchy internet site."

Will took out a shoebox tapped shut, and then tossed it into the pit as while. Wendy looked at him curiously.

"Hey Will, what was in there?"

"Uh, nothing special," He said, simply.

"Guys, should we really be standing this close?" Dipper advised.

"It's all good, bro-bro," Mabel reassured.

However, things took a turn, when a strong wind suddenly picked up. The group stared in shock, as the current of air pushed at them with force.

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