Jurrassic Buck-Final

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Bill opened his eyes, feeling a bit dazed.

Fighting the pain in his back, he sat up, and scanned his surroundings. He appeared to have landed in a lush forest, with oversized plants. Speaking of which, he then realized he was sitting near a giant mushroom, that must've broken his fall. Bill turned around, only to see Gompers sitting beside him.

"OK, now I'm convinced you're trying to kill me," Bill said, bitterly.

Gompers bleated, then went to sniff at the grass. Then all of a sudden, the pterodactyl flew by, it's shadow swooping over them. Bill tensed, when it shrieked viciously.

"The ugly thing must be hungry," Bill said, then turned to Gompers. "It's you or me, goat."

There was a pause, before Bill nudged Gompers into the open with his foot. The goat turned to him, looking at him blankly.

Bill crinkled his brow. "Don't look at me like that, if you weren't so darn creepy, then maybe you wouldn't have been stuck outside."

Gompers blinked.

"Yes, I know you're Will's pet, and he cares about you for some reason, but why did he have to dump you onto me of all people?" Bill ranted.

The blond's face softened. "I guess he didn't have a choice, since I refused to talk to him...But, don't I have a reason to? I mean, anyone would've done the same, right?"

Gompers sneezed.

Bill scratched his head thoughtfully. "OK, now that I think about it, most people would just talk about it," He said, then his face turned to cold realization. "Oh my god, Will was right, I should've communicated with him when I had the chance."

He recalled earlier, and his stomach dropped, when he pictured Will's heartbroken expression. What had he done?

"I was afraid of him," Bill said, regretfully. "I was afraid of my own brother. What the hell is wrong with me? When the time came, I listened to some dumb voice rather than my best friend?"

Bill shook in the spot, guilt stabbed through him like a shower of knives. All this time, he thought Will was cowardly...but the real coward was Bill all along.

Bill abruptly felt a warmth against his chest. He looked down, and saw Gompers budding his head gently against him. The blond hesitated, before patting the animal on the head. For a moment, Gompers seemed less creepy in his eyes.

"I'm done being afraid," Bill promised, himself. "Done being afraid of you, Will, and that damn dinosaur."

He stood up, scooping the goat up in his arms. "We're getting out of here," The blond said.

Gompers tilted his head, Bill blinked in realization. He was talking to a goat, he really needed to get out of here, before he completely lost his marbles.

Bill was about to think of a plan, when there was a low rumbling behind him. He slowly turned, when the earth shook, as something began to approach them.

"Gompers," Bill started. "I don't think we're alone down here."

"Baa!" The goat replied.


Back in the nest, each of the group were trapped in solidified sap. They struggled to get out, but so far, they were stuck in place. And tensions rose, as the giant egg before them began to form cracks on it's surface.

After failing to break free, Dipper turned to his uncle, who was trying to melt through their sticky prison. "Grunkle Stan, can't you increase the heat of your flame?"

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