Boss Bill-Part One

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A few centuries ago...


In a colossal city, with buildings raising from the ground, streets paved with gold, and surrounded by a celestial night sky. A young man with brown hair and glasses, was meeting up with his twin brother.

"Stan!" Stanford Pines called again.

Stanley Pines, his brother, turned to him. He smiled as the young Night Guardian approached him. "Sixer, what's the hurry? Did something happen?"

"Yes," Ford smiled. "Dipper and Mabel just got their human forms!"

Stan's eyes widened. "Already? And at the same time?"

"Affirmative," His brother replied. "I predict they'll be very powerful Guardians in the future."

"I, for one, am proud of those two knuckleheads," Stan said. "We should celebrate! How about we take them on a trip around the galaxy. You know, meet new people, probably commit some kind of tax fraud."

"Even though, I would've enjoyed bailing you out of jail the fifteenth time in a row," Ford said, sarcastically. "I think we should have our celebration here. After all, we don't know what dangers are outside the Dreamscape..."

Stan looked at him seriously. "Ford, the war is over," He insisted. "Demons are no longer our enemies."

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