Cipher's Reign-Part Three

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(A/N: Fun story. When I went to edit this chapter, it didn't show the rest of my work, and I thought Wattpad deleted it. However, the problem fixed itself and the rest of the chapters returned. I really hate Wattpad sometimes, ;-;)

The three were still traveling down the hall. They were growing doubtful that they would find anything, but finally, they came across a single door. Bill examined it. It had several locks on it, and he grimaced.

"I got it," Mabel said, noticing his frown.

Bill watched as she removed a clip from her hair, before approaching the door. She fitted her clip inside a lock, wiggling it around until there was a satisfying click. She did the same thing with the other locks, before the door opened agape.

Bill stared. "Where did you learn that, Falling Star?"

"My uncle, he's such a good role model, especially when it comes to breaking into private property," She grinned, returning her clip to her hair.

"You two check inside," Dipper said. "I'll keep watch here, in case Kill comes back."

They obliged, and both of them stepped inside. They were immediately covered in darkness, with a beam of light shining through the open door. Bill scanned the area, he could barely see in the corners. He felt crestfallen, when he didn't see anything. He tried to remain calm. This was only the first room they found, Will could be somewhere else. But, how long would they have to keep searching? Did they even have time before they're tracked down by Kill or Gideon?

"Bill?" Mabel spoke, noticing his distress.

Bill didn't hear her, thoughts invaded his mind, bringing forth a painful amount of questions. Will they be able to find his brother? What if Will wasn't here? Did they break into this facility for nothing? And now, the most dreaded question of all, something Bill tried to avoid:

Was Will even alive?

If there was a possibility that his brother was dead, Bill didn't know what he'd do. The very thought sent ice through his veins, and made him close to tears. As he panicked inwardly, Bill's body suddenly went hot...

"Bill!" Falling Star exclaimed, taken aback by something.

It was then that Bill noticed a blue glow. A moment later, he was dumbstruck to realize, that the glow came from his palm. Bill stared down, at the small swirl of blue fire emitting from his hand.

His powers.

"What is that?" Mabel gasped, gawking at the open flame. "It looks cool!"

Bill didn't answer her, too engrossed in his own shock. All of a sudden, the flame increased in size. Mabel squeaked surprise, and all Bill could do was stare. However, as his flame filled the room with an eerie azure glow, it then revealed a form in the deep corner of the room. Bill's eyes widened when he saw familiar blue hair, and his fire died immediately.

There laid Will on the floor. He was on his side, with his eyes closed. His hair was messed up, and covered in grime. His skin was several shades paler than when Bill last saw him, and dark rings surrounded his eyes His sweater was nearly torn into shreds, revealing blooded flesh underneath. Despite all of this, Will's chest rose and fell with steady breaths. He was alive.

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