Welcome-Part Four

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Bill's POV:

Bill was leaving his sleep, when he felt something wet touch his face. For a moment, he forgot where he was, and assumed he was sleeping in the ditch during a rainstorm. That's what he thought, until he opened his eyes, and stared back at two yellow eyes and a furry brown face.

"AH! WHY!?" He screamed, when he realized the goat from last night had been licking his face.

The animal looked at him blankly, seeming unaware of the shock it had provoked in the boy. Bill took a couple seconds to calm down, and saw that the goat was currently laying on his chest. Growling under his breath, he pushed the creature off. The goat landed on the floor, and bleated in what sounded like annoyance.

"Like you're the one to complain," Bill snapped. "How did you even get in here?"

Obviously, he went unanswered. The goat bleated again, but Bill ignored him this time. He suspected that Will might've let the creature in, and prepared to have a personal chat with his brother, about not inviting wild animals onto their property. However, when he turned to the other bed, all he saw was an empty mattress. He then noticed that Will's backpack was gone. Could the boy have gone out to explore?

Bill felt both worried and irritated. They were supposed to be in this together! Why would Will go off on unfamiliar territory alone, especially after the weirdness last night? Frustrated, he quickly got out of bed, and put on his shoes. Not bothering to fix his messy hair, he was about to head out in search for his idiot brother.


"What now?" Bill groaned, then turned.

He was dismayed, when he faced the goat, who was chewing furiously at one of the loose floorboards. "Hey! Stop that! This place is semi-destroyed as it is!"

He rushed up and shooed the animal away. While the goat fled
out the door, Bill was left to examine the damages it caused. He muttered curses under his breath, when the floorboard was nearly pealed off. He was about force it back into place, when his eyes caught a glint that appeared under it.

"What the...?" He trailed off, when he peered inside the floor.

Bill nearly gasped, at his discovery. Hiding away in the floor, was an object, and this said object was a book. It was thick in size, with old crippled pages. It's cover was a deep maroon, that paled throughout the years, littered with scraps and tears. Lastly, shining in the center, was a six fingered golden handprint, with a big number 3 on it.

Cautious, he used his fingers to pry the floorboard off, earning more than enough splinters in the progress. Bill didn't mind, he had experienced far worse. What could he say? Pain was hilarious like that. Finally, the floorboard snapped off, and he threw it aside. After that, he took the book out, and inspected it further. It was indeed old, ancient even, Bill wondered if it belonged to the previous owner of this shack. Only one way to find out.

With that, he opened the book to it's first page. "Property of..." But he couldn't read the rest, because the ink was so smudged, making it impossible to tell the name. Well, so much for finding the owner.

Still, Bill continued to look through it, and he could admit, he grew invested in each page turning. Every section, held information and bios, and a sketch of some bizarre looking creature. He didn't know what he was looking at, or who this book was meant for, until he reached a certain page, was when he found something that definitely held his interest.

Under the ominous writing, was a picture of two people standing side by side. One was a woman, and the other was a man. Despite that, they looked a lot like twins, and were wearing old-fashioned attire. Bill's eyes drifted to the sword that the man was clutching, and a shiver ran up his spine for some unknown reason. He began to read the letters above the picture.

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